It's kinda silly to ask a bunch of random posters, that have no real inside knowledge as to what happened during the negotiations, why Usyk didn't agree to the rematch clause.
But I'll bite... From what I remember the money split was the last hurdle, that was allegedly solved when Usyk accepted the 70-30 split and then Fury wanted to keep negotiating things into the contract. I think there was not a whole lot of time left before the fight date and Fury didn't even have his trainer scheduled to stay there with him for the training camp. Additionally, the 80-20 split in Fury's favor is just ridiculous. Usyk shouldn't have accepted the 70-30 in the first place, much less give Fury the advantage of having a 80-20 split in his favor for the rematch.
But I'll bite... From what I remember the money split was the last hurdle, that was allegedly solved when Usyk accepted the 70-30 split and then Fury wanted to keep negotiating things into the contract. I think there was not a whole lot of time left before the fight date and Fury didn't even have his trainer scheduled to stay there with him for the training camp. Additionally, the 80-20 split in Fury's favor is just ridiculous. Usyk shouldn't have accepted the 70-30 in the first place, much less give Fury the advantage of having a 80-20 split in his favor for the rematch.