Originally posted by GAME2010
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With great wins over Canzeroni x2, Mclarnin x2. Including a long list of wins Vs Top competition and good fighters. Add the fact he was never stopped across 81 and had one of the all time great chins. Is enough for me to ranked above Manny Pacqiuao, around the 25-30 mark.
Joe Walcott was a freakishlty powerful guy, one of the hardest punchers in the history of the sport. Arguably one of the greatest WW Champions of all time which is one of the deepest divisions of all time.
He was the offical WW Champion in a time where it was an incredibly difficult task, along with a list of impressive of title defences. Including KO victories in which he was outweighed by an insane amount and in which he was tipped for a certain loss.
Add draws with Hof'er argubally Top 15 of all time Joe Gans and arguablly the greatest fighter of all time in Sam Langford to that, ones in which cases can be made for him to win. That's enough to me for him to be ranked above Manny Pacqiauo.
Jimmy Mclarnin, truely one of the greatest fighters ever. Beating Pacho Villa at Flyweight to go on to beat Tony Canzoneri at WW. With wins over Barney Ross, Young Corbett 3, Benny Leonard (although done) and a string of excellent fighters in between, which in total include 13 HOF fighters. Is enough to me for him to be ranked above Manny Pacqiauo.
I'm sure many others could go into even more detail why they should be.