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Russia has started destroying Isis in Syria

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    Originally posted by El-blanco View Post
    I've hurled insults at a handful of people on here who are condescending morons like you.
    You're king of them, you brought my religion into a topic void of religion for no reason other than because you're a scum bag.

    I didn't even bother reading the rest of what you said. Most people in the world don't take creationists serious. You're a dying breed and a hilariously pathetic one at that.
    I am surprised you managed to read as much as you did, congratulations must be a record. I'll be looking forward to more of your moronic conspiracies from and YouTube in the future, keep up the crappy work.
    Last edited by Enayze; 10-01-2015, 05:00 PM.


      Originally posted by Weebler I View Post
      So what's ***** going to do about it? (rhetorical question)
      Can the US even go to war again? Last I read, even though the economy is doing way better now, it is still rebuilding from the 2008/2009 callapse. I don't think US can through with another war right now, wars are costly.


        Originally posted by Enayze View Post
        You're king of them, you brought my religion into a topic void of religion for no reason other than because you're a scum bag.

        I am surprised you managed to read as much as you did, congratulations must be a record.
        I brought it up to illustrate how simple minded you are and how poor your critical thinking skills are, which I'll illustrate below.
        Originally posted by Enayze View Post

        What you listed happened primarily during the Cold War when there was a battle between democracy and communism. It might seem insignificant to you now, but America acted in the best interest of itself and the whole civilized world when it came to Cuba, Chile, and Nicaragua. And seeing as how other communist nations like China N. Korea turned out, we were absolutely right. Just the fact that you listed those events without putting them in context of their time goes to show that you don't have a clue about what you are writing. But what can one expect from a guy who gets his information from
        If America has such an issue with communists then why did it allow American companies to gut the manufacturing sector of the country, and move all the jobs to a country you consider the worst of the communist bunch? Do you not see how hypocritical it is? But you say America acted in the best interest of the "whole civilized world." So, why did America sell its soul to China? Shouldn't they have done something about them as well, or at the very least not send all the jobs there? Within 20 words you contradicted yourself and have the nerve to insult someone else's intelligence. Like I said, you're a low intellect creationist who can't even notice the absurdity in your own sentence because you have no critical thinking skills. Now go away ******.


          I stopped following foreign policy because it was too ******ed to care anymore.

          As a primer why did we invade Libya at the drop of a hat and basically leave nothing behind (years later it still has no official government and is pretty much a wasteland) yet we politely "steer" ISIS in the general direction of yet another standing government which will inevitably crumble and be replaced by Jihad cavemen?

          I'm very right-wing. It's just become painfully apparent that US foreign policy isn't about fighting Islamic terrorism, it's about herding the constant supply of *********s around using them on governments we don't like.

          Russia is abusing it's power too but at least they do it in a way that makes sense. They obviously want a territorial buffer zone around them in all directions and bomb anyone who poses a threat.

          I'm not sure what the US long-term agenda is since we have essentially no domestic borders and seem 100% concentrated on blowing away dudes on the opposite side of the planet who won't make favorable business transactions with us.
          Last edited by ////; 10-01-2015, 06:05 PM.


            Originally posted by El-blanco View Post
            I brought it up to illustrate how simple minded you are and how poor your critical thinking skills are, which I'll illustrate below.
            Only insecure people who never wen't to a real college write the things online that you just wrote in order to make themselves feel better.

            If America has such an issue with communists then why did it allow American companies to gut the manufacturing sector of the country, and move all the jobs to a country you consider the worst of the communist bunch? Do you not see how hypocritical it is?
            Part of having a free market society is that you don't set draconian government restrictions on businesses, like forbidding them where they want to do trade.

            China was a backward nation that suffered numerous famines where millions of people perished and lived in poverty because of their state planned economy, until the turn of the 21st century. At that critical moment China began de regulating its stranglehold on business and began successfully transitioning into a market economy. In essence China became a much more capitalistic country where its cheap labor attracted all sorts of investment. So no what I said isn't hypocritical because China had to become more like the US in order to be successful.

            But you say America acted in the best interest of the "whole civilized world." So, why did America sell its soul to China? Shouldn't they have done something about them as well, or at the very least not send all the jobs there?
            It's business and economics, jeez kid, how old are you seriously? Do you have any idea how things on a global scale work? The only thing America could have done to prevent companies from moving out of the USA was loosen its regulations on business and give them incentives to stay.

            Within 20 words you contradicted yourself and have the nerve to insult someone else's intelligence. Like I said, you're a low intellect creationist who can't even notice the absurdity in your own sentence because you have no critical thinking skills. Now go away ******.
            I'm going to give you fatherly advice. You need to go to school, you need to find real sources of news to read. And if you want to know how a market economy works I suggest starting out by reading Adam Smith's a Wealth of Nations. You also need to stop thinking you are smarter than you are, because when you do that you come off as a complete imbecile, especially when it comes to politics and economics. Good Luck to you.
            Last edited by Enayze; 10-03-2015, 10:05 AM.


              El Blanco


                ISIS is in trouble...

                If US and Russia join up to beat you down, you are in for a world of hurting


                  Originally posted by Enayze View Post
                  You amuse me because only insecure people who never wen't to a real college write the things online that you just wrote in order to make themselves feel better.

                  Part of having a free market society is that you don't set draconian government restrictions on businesses, like forbidding them where they want to do trade.

                  China was a backward nation that suffered numerous famines where millions of people perished and lived in poverty because of their state planned economy, until the turn of the 21st century. At that critical moment China began de regulating its stranglehold on business and began successfully transitioning into a market economy. In essence China became a much more capitalistic country where its cheap labor attracted all sorts of investment. So no what I said isn't hypocritical because China had to become more like the US in order to be successful.

                  It's business and economics, jeez kid, how old are you seriously? Do you have any idea how things on a global scale work? The only thing America could have done to prevent companies from moving out of the USA was loosen its regulations on business and give them incentives to stay.

                  I'm going to give you fatherly advice. You need to go to school, you need to find real sources of news to read. And if you want to know how a market economy works I suggest starting out by reading Adam Smith's a Wealth of Nations. You also need to stop thinking you are smarter than you are, because when you do that you come off as a complete imbecile, especially when it comes to politics and economics. Good Luck to you.
                  Name: Enayze

                  Occupation: Destroying Leftists since 2004


                    Former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Cretien says *****'s help is welcome in Syria:


                      Originally posted by Sugar Adam Ali View Post
                      ISIS is in trouble...

                      If US and Russia join up to beat you down, you are in for a world of hurting
                      They aren't teaming up though are they? The US has it out for Assad and has been pretty bipolar about how they view the cluster**** of overlapping "rebel" groups some of which are ISIS affiliated.

                      Russia is coming in and wiping out those rebel groups which means the underhanded US operations to overthrow Assad will be a huge waste of money.

