The head of homicide in Minnesota just testified that the knee to the neck was inappropriate and constitutes deadly force. So all the talk of it being proper just went out the window.
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Anyone watching this George Floyd trial?
Originally posted by Real King Kong View Post
How did it go from them not being able to get him in the car, to pulling him out of the car? That was the most bothersome thing for me, they had him in the car already. I don’t believe he was pulled out in order to address his concerns about not being able to breathe, I believe Chauvin was just trying to assert his authority and force the guy comply. If the concern was Floyd’s “inability to breathe”, then putting him on the ground and kneeling on his neck wouldn’t be a very logical solution.
Floyd saying he can't breathe in the car hurt his truth from when he was saying it on the ground. Why would the cop believe what he's hearing when Floyd was already saying all that noise when the knee wasn't even on him.
But I agree, not the logical solution if that were the case, but like you mentioned, he asserted his authority to someone who clearly was not compliant.
Originally posted by Real King Kong View Post
I agree with the last part about the all the cops present, not just chauvin’s disregard, resulted in Floyd’s death. They should have been aware of his deteriorating condition. But, the cause of death was his heart giving out, which had to be complicated by his heart condition and drugs in his system. If we say that any healthy person would have died in that position, that would mean this cop would have to assume that also, and be choosing to willfully murder someone out in public with several witnesses filming. It makes no sense.
Originally posted by TonyGe View Post
Sense when out the window when Chauvin decided to do what he did. There was no danger from Floyd once he was handcuffed. Who knows what went on in Chavin's mind. He could have sadistic tendencies or could be a saint. Although the last option doesn't seem as plausible as the first.
Originally posted by joseph5620 View Post
Actually you're the moron because I never said anything about Ill intent. This is hilarious. Please find when I ever mentioned that in my responses to you. I'll wait. Homicide can apply to multiple things and yes that's correct. You claiming that the self defense reference to homicide applies to Chauvin is so funny that it made me literally laugh out loud. I didn't think anyone could possibly be as dumb as you are. What Chauvin did WAS criminal and the only reason why you don't believe that is because he's white and Floyd was black. So cut to the chase. That's your reason for defending Chauvin and you are defending him. No need to bit ch up and lie about it.
The point was that homicide fits the charges against Chauvin. But your dumb punk ass continues to argue against the third degree murder charges and that they are "hard to prove"against Chauvin when homicide is very fitting for a third degree murder charge. Trav has caught you in multiple lies and so have I. So now you can add this lie to your growing list.
Now go find where I said homicide means " ill intent" you lying bit ch. It's becoming a lot more clear why you were unable to finish high school. No reading comprehension and straight lies to make up for your lack of intelligence.
You've been caught in so many lies that it's hilarious. I would bet that you spent your entire night to come up with that one
Regardless, Im done wasting my time with someone who has a room temperature IQ, from here on you'll only elicit mockery from me.
Originally posted by JimRaynor View Post
You're a pathetic liar who clearly didn't understand how homicide was applied by the examiner in this case, now you're back peddling like the dummy that you are.
The argument wasn't even against 3rd degree, it was against the 2nd degree charges you simpleton, although 3rd degree will be just as challenging to prove. Trav and I have civil conversations, because he's not an emotional dullard like yourself. You who comb this site for any slight against your razor thin ego, obsessed with racism and calling everything you dont like white supremacy. You live a sad life, and should seek therapy.
This is what we call deflection. You spend all your time editing your posts trying to come up with the perfect paragraph and you still sound ******. I know this is you every time you reply after I've finished spanking that ass,
Regardless, Im done wasting my time with someone who has a room temperature IQ, from here on you'll only elicit mockery from me.
You lied about Chauvin's training. That didn't work. You Lied about what third degree murder entails. That didn't work. You lied about how 2nd degree murder is hard to prove here. That didn't work.You lied about self defense homicide applying to Chauvin LOL. I'm still laughing about that. You also lied about the coroners ruling on the cause of death by trying to claim Floyd dropped dead because of his failing health when the autopsy clearly says "Homicide." Which means the "70 percent clogged arteries" that you tried to throw in there was not responsible for Floyd's death that day. Your white knight Chauvin was.
Have you run out of lies yet or do you have some more you want to tell here?
By the way, 2nd degree murder charges can also apply to what Chauvin did you moron. So moving the goal post just makes you look even more ******.
This is too easyLast edited by joseph5620; 04-02-2021, 01:49 PM.
Originally posted by joseph5620 View Post
I understand exactly how homicide is and goes out applies to this case. The District Attorney does also.Both of us know more about this than you, a loser that doesn't even have a high school education. The only one that doesn't understand is your ****** ass.. You lied about Chauvin's training. That didn't work. You Lied about what third degree murder entails. That didn't work. You lied about how 2nd degree murder is hard to prove here. That didn't work Lied about self defense homicide applying to Chauvin LOL. I'm still laughing about that. You also lied about the coroners ruling on the cause of death by trying to claim Floyd dropped dead because of his failing health when the autopsy clearly says "Homicide."Which means the 70 percent clogged arteries" that you tried to throw in there was not responsible for Floyd's death that day. Your white knight Chauvin was.
Have you run out of lies yet or do you have some more you want to tell here?
By the way, 2nd degree murder charges can also apply to what Chauvin did you simpleton. So moving the goal post just makes you look even more ******.
This is too easy
Have you heard about how either having fat phobia or having thin privilege is upholding white supremacy? I have no doubt you're up to date on this stuff, but just in case you're not here is this incredible article, crazy stuff. We whites really have to unlearn our white supremacist ways when it comes to weight, who would've thought right?!.
Originally posted by JimRaynor View Post
Have you heard about how either having fat phobia or having thin privilege is upholding white supremacy? I have no doubt you're up to date on this stuff, but just in case you're not here is this incredible article, crazy stuff. We whites really have to unlearn our white supremacist ways when it comes to weight, who would've thought right?!.
Didn't read. I'm too busy laughing about you claiming a self defense case for Chauvin
You'll have to find another way to deflect from your lies and ignorance. This one won't work.
Originally posted by joseph5620 View Post
Didn't read. I'm too busy laughing about you claiming a self defense case for Chauvin
You'll have to find another way to deflect from your lies and ignorance. This one won't work.
Originally posted by joseph5620 View Post
I understand exactly what a homicide is and how it applies to this case. The District Attorney does also which is why they filed murder charges. They know a lot more about this than you. A loser that doesn't even have a high school education.
You lied about Chauvin's training. That didn't work. You Lied about what third degree murder entails. That didn't work. You lied about how 2nd degree murder is hard to prove here. That didn't work.You lied about self defense homicide applying to Chauvin LOL. I'm still laughing about that. You also lied about the coroners ruling on the cause of death by trying to claim Floyd dropped dead because of his failing health when the autopsy clearly says "Homicide." Which means the "70 percent clogged arteries" that you tried to throw in there was not responsible for Floyd's death that day. Your white knight Chauvin was.
Have you run out of lies yet or do you have some more you want to tell here?
By the way, 2nd degree murder charges can also apply to what Chauvin did you moron. So moving the goal post just makes you look even more ******.
This is too easy