Does Mayweather not get any play? Does he have to pay women? Notice how there's a room full of scantily clad girls in this video and none of them are touching Money Mayweather the way they were touching rappers 50 Cent and Lloyd Banks.
Mayweather is a great boxer, but the hoes ain't feelin' him!!!
Also, here's a video of when Mayweather just got out of jail in 2012. He's at a red carpet event for a movie that 50 Cent starred in. In the clip you can see Floyd's ex Shantel Jackson happily GRABBING on 50 Cent and NOT LETTING GO, and Mayweather is like, "Bitch, get off of him! Get over here!"
Mayweather is an all-time great in the ring, but he's just a little man in real life. He's too light in the ass for women. Conor McGregor clowned his little ass, saying that he's "too small," and that he has "little legs, a little core, peanut head."
Check this out. What are your thoughts?
Larkus, Honoric, Wolfsbane74, DARKSEID, j.razor, JAMES_THUNDER, GGG Gloveking, Johnston, Noelanthony, ralex, Ake-Dawg, roņacastro, TRTboy, Mimms, Erik1984, AssasinKing, Roja's480, omegamale, fighter1234, BoomBoomBaam, drablj, Mammoth, Insanityisbliss, Infyenyte, Cocokid, lakerstekkenn, paulf, Beezy93, leo84, Mundasos, Jose2398, Wonderboy, SplitSecond, lavishrooster, OCPancho, Gonzalez_Boxing, Kaspa9t9, tomoiasa84, IllegalDeath, Hmabshir, coughdrop, rj231986, Chris1989, boxingnumber247, revelated, officermaloy, jimgilmore, Hates****, 4starmanny, markther, Mfjowey, Sadiqkingofko, pillowfists98, amuroray, BIG GUNZ, IronDanHamza, TheBoxing****er, sportbuddha, benjyyy, rogerackroyd, xamount, Krypto, Jiub, ippo, baroidi, botasazules2, Huku, Johnnyspade, toulianov, *911, Zaroku, Leonf96, g27region, Street15, JaguaresMx, mike1010011, true_fan, GFunk23, Oluminati, Sweet Jones, Vita, cork, ////, P to the J, Sun_Tzu, jpeck, davef, BoxingTech718, landogz, aboutfkntime, Wookee13, KC SHELLZ, PEPE213, BaguMka, Flaming Punch, J-aec, sputnik1234, johndoefoe, Sarc25, Body Shot, El Gitano, invanex, hitking, Boksfan, Johnwoo8686, k1llu, HitBattousai, reginald, Pharoah, famicommander, ElFiller, ayop64, Deamcatcher, qwickm3, steelfist, MatchMaker215, icha, !!!!!!!!!, uconnChamps, bowe92, @SniXSniPe, Ayk, Phantomas, dirty fingers, detectivekimble, chubuk7, krome, LaceSensor, turnedup, SilverMiles, asettul, tyc01, raded_are, kerrminator, Ericktj29, geevee, swaggertron1, Mr. EBT 97K, juggler, madsweeney, grimlock, tnf1400, Northcott16, ogalonzo, NearHypnos, RetroSpeed05, South_paw, ImADime, faceplantingpro, nah1, Thraxox, JrX, wolfang82, ManOfVictory, eddie666killer, checko12, NYG, Cutthroat, pds25, Frokid, Godeyez, AngelD, whirlout, Street, Str8 Right, VatoMulatto, Engreido117, @Squ?redCircle34, Ca$hnelo, Dasmius Shinobi, blackbakers, Mchl, The3, BoloPuncher1, Vegemil, Floyd is TBE, Dolor, sidneycello, b00g13man, estebomb, taino78, darius45, xcfastdude, crazed_z06, hotwillz33, r.a.w, ShoulderRoll, shonuff488, digitalallstar, WhatDisButtonDo, girv, HarvardBlue, Doritos, Slicc, Mask, deanrw, AneesMoha, vwelsh, TheWinners, Fightnight23, M>R, South Champion, Liver_Shot, PistolPat, StefanTosic, REdrUm0351, Sable&Whitefish, satiev1, the mesiah, TwoPrudential, kevinsiu, Manic Shot, meme_man, box559, TheIcon, livershot73, Shape up, BillyBoxing, FistOftheDallasStar, Sabiondo, Boxing1012, JTfloyd, krblgc, GarethHague, dobromir, DeadLikeMe, DoubleMM, Boxypop, Bestlefty, TBear, TheBird, ea22, erbaster, BLASTER1, PlasterHands, J.One2ts3000, mlac, Cosmologic, champion4ever, Panopticon, Riveraaviles, Simurgh, cally93, DramaShow, Akutalee, Afi23, Rare_Pure, cmartinez21, Sleeks, stealthradon, athletic, Slowhand, ..David.., Tomjas, james240, dibzvincent143, gabrielmolilulu, XJX2017, Damn Wicked, elpapi, Realizniguhnit, loui_ludwig, whitevick, Rip Chudd, KingDanz, Kagami Taiga, Biolink, Diegosome1, hhs661, Mcphilly84, MAXIMUS~RICO~13, _Maxi, lparm, Dave7878, gamesworn, Brit_1, Zman4321, ForAsgard, abdiel2k3, Sleepy Spaceman, TysonFuryTBE, LittleMacAttack, Donich, Peterp, RespekonMyName, Jerryjerry, pbftxrs316, jaimenm1, Gentblue, kingstip9, Svtsilvercobra, atfahs, lizard_man, mvooom, boma, Highend88, sergio702, Yeahimshady1, Mexican_Puppet, doom_specialist, Dean_Razorback, John Locke, pepzz, boxinggod101, Jake19, Hazen3, jcj0427, Ulock, Pappywinksworth, mxtali, O Prophet, ThoughtYouKnew!, DuckAdonis, eltm, NachoMan, BOLLOCKS, AKAcronym, cantor5150, eeanaya, Ecosse1, Sheldon312, boxfan1982, MC Hammer, rukor, Listonator, don1e, Luseba, HI-TECH Boxing, Jlfaro, bigblue22, thegonzo, Golden Boi 360, Falkano, malari, Socialtwinkie, damned1974, Hnnnggg, Veemzy, stuff jones, Jo*, alejandro01, Willy Wanker, siassi8qvw, Chaconlittlered, Komander, MastaBlasta, Zoroasterr, b0x, Johnny2x2x, pacmanis1, BufordTannen, Shrap, SpringBreak, Boxing56, robbo44, JohnDough, bvtrinh, 2fast2strong, cf2080, -MEGA-, atreyumaddox22, atom-ictortilla, smstokes, Jackincredable, The plunger man, megh50, Redd Foxx, jwall16, JimRaynor, radrian234, Babel26, ELHITMAN606, Carpe Diem, Boxing Sage, Randomum, Leocard, shearer999, Duckweather, willvdk, Lineal Champ, P4Pdunny, DeathWish, Aphextwin007, mart321, SCEN3RY, fernandtg, Dbt, Bruin99, nim_sha1986, Sugar Adam Ali, Seananthonyh, pgonzes91, PurePugilist216, Germybrah, billybilo, observer, Slugger_P4P, Vlad_, boxingenius002, twrx, Nuff CeD, Aware, clickclack****!, CounterPunching, BDG, sabor, Shako93, CRM114, Rigpig, asgarth, BigBoxingBrand, Finx, Bayles$, robbyheartbaby, pnksntdead, millcitymauler, TonyGe, Agent Mulder, PITO TRINIDAD, Sosay, Illmatic94, Championart, omh, mrlopez, ramses07, MasterWhooSaa, ashleyhotti, emanBox, brownvim, lee majors, Daniel_T5, boxingstrolling, high-tech, kingry, lechibaw, squidward_1, 111shyguy76, TheBigLug, aidenp30, shadow-boxer, SugarAnt05, skip2mefil, Ca$trO, Lara67, Kaisar, real boxer, naduka, canelo310, lakers11521, alpgirgin, genaro g, swifty007, purplownz23, Mayweatherducks, gek, BoxingScientist, joeyweyer, DylanClarke000, airwind_13, ME123, Homervanderjazz, LinaShields, almasus8686, Obliterator, Queen_Leia, Lomadeaux, Beercules, GhostofDempsey, Mr. Hipster, elgu, Johnny_Roa, mexko, JimmyD729, Poeticman7, Siv, Martinplateado, ljdmitry, chardrnm, drew1830, mike ruler, bushboy007, pleitne, matt12, suckmebeautiful, xhiddenx87, DJS, axion2004, Chepe13, chan184, senna1985, Timwhite17, primer14, sunny31, vaynardevil, Oxn, neo866, sicko, EdWins, jimt, joe210, Poppo168, dief, AboutBillions, ernestot, Guerrero360, marshall410, snoop_nufc, Mash121, ThomasJK, richardt, Ducatii, James Sheehy, sinca, BestPR, shrimpeyes, MasterPlan, Iron Fister, punchy_palooka, BROHONESTLY, jojog88, MrClutch85, Aristocrat, toyboy33, bumalis, creekrat77, fathakhur, DontHitMyNuts, Grez2188, fistic flow, small_warrior, Chrismart, Dudley, chikopr, Leonis, that g, MIAMI CANE, Mathiaz, larimoor, jookal121, gcarline, shahida TKO, Reef08, Vegas_, erdons, Ffc24, SChad, kajuna, MujoHrnjica, Lights, techliam, Gate keeper, WarCarter813, s7nf, Rennault, MachoPower, Dark night 24, Dyl-G, Code Red, kayjay reborn, Chaos Theory, HendrixLove, R-C, Williamb45, QballLobo, the secret, gmoore23, Dressedallover, Lmcguire,, tmcp, mosquito3, calemanregreso, Gnortiz22, JHoLLyWooD81, Moekind, Baltimore, johnnykane0147, techdude69, codey, plutto, katlholo, pinkivory, Ecstasy of Gold, jwa2000, Papa Smurf, Pigeons, BackToTheJab, zzat, irvine_kinneas, vasi.utziu@yaho, Slyboots, arizashakes, abpadilla10, KingHippo, le9547, Bnj, Cobra_, CarreraQ, Just looking, BlackBenjamin, zero Delay, Rapid Counter, zanbong, OnlyBeingHonest, I.R.I.E, Dboi Statmaster, dabombreda, LockardTheGOAT, Outlaw420, aboxingfan, Aldro, TheConnoisseur, <