Why would I care about some fan made posting which is what SB nation is, he is using public figures but has no real understanding of what is going on underneath.
There is a lot of assumption going on, there was never going to be profit in year 1, 2 or 3, probably not until after 5 could they even hope of breaking even and maybe making money after 10. That is the sort of game they were playing so even looking at this like oh they did that and this, they are exactly where they are supposed to be in all reality in year 2. Thinking they should be on some different plane making money hand over fist is just not how this sort of thing works, especially when disrupting a whole industry it takes time and money to be effective.
That money needed to be spent, it was there to be spent or burned that was what PBC was supposed to do. They could easily fail and everybody that knew a lick about business said the same thing, but nothing has really changed if they fail in year two their plan was always faulty because their plan was always a long term one to success.
There is a lot of assumption going on, there was never going to be profit in year 1, 2 or 3, probably not until after 5 could they even hope of breaking even and maybe making money after 10. That is the sort of game they were playing so even looking at this like oh they did that and this, they are exactly where they are supposed to be in all reality in year 2. Thinking they should be on some different plane making money hand over fist is just not how this sort of thing works, especially when disrupting a whole industry it takes time and money to be effective.
That money needed to be spent, it was there to be spent or burned that was what PBC was supposed to do. They could easily fail and everybody that knew a lick about business said the same thing, but nothing has really changed if they fail in year two their plan was always faulty because their plan was always a long term one to success.