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Mayweather's IV injection (Master thread)

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    Now back to the topic at hand..

    Where is Floyd's attending physician to give light to his severe dehydration? Where?

    Pac's surgeon came out to show proof of his injury. It's that simple.

    Where is Floyd's? It's been 10 months. What is he hiding?

    Manny's Doctor

    Where is Floyd's attending physician who diagnosed him with sever dehydration? Up to now not even a cameo appearance to vindicate froid from the IV scandal. Tsk tsk tsk..

    The more he doesn't explain his case of sever dehydration the more he will look guilty. The more he hides it. The more it will only get louder.


      The question that lingers..

      Is USADA a legit testing agency based on track record?

      In 46 fights for which it has done testing, USADA acknowledged just one boxer caught with PEDs (Morales), whereas VADA had found three positive results in 18 fights.

      Shows it's very shady indeed..


        This guy is hilarious...almost a damn year later, Mayweather retired and Manny is saying this is his last fight and he is still stuck in a dead


          Originally posted by Spoon23 View Post
          The question that lingers..

          Is USADA a legit testing agency based on track record?

          In 46 fights for which it has done testing, USADA acknowledged just one boxer caught with PEDs (Morales), whereas VADA had found three positive results in 18 fights.

          Shows it's very shady indeed..


            So many red flags.. So many holes to plug.

            Mayweather’s camp has claimed that the fighter is subject to testing “365-24-7 by USADA,” but in reality, he determines when the testing period begins. In the case of the Berto fight, that began when the event, which had been rumored for weeks, was officially announced in early August, by which point Mayweather potentially could have undergone an assortment of treatments following the Pacquiao bout.

            As Conte put it, “I can’t tell you what Floyd Mayweather is and isn’t doing. What he could be doing is this. The fight is over. First, he uses these drugs for tissue repair. Then he can stay on them until he announces his next fight, at which time he’s the one who decides when the next round of testing starts. And by the time testing starts, the drugs have cleared his system.”

            The drug-testing contract with USADA agreed to by Mayweather and Pacquiao provided for exceptions to WADA rules.
            In 2012, Pacquiao’s camp rejected a proposed contract clause that could have allowed USADA to grant a retroactive TUE without notifying the NSAC or the other fighter.

            In tests administered to Mayweather by the NSAC for fights in 2011 and 2013, he posted unusually low testosterone-to-epitestosterone ratios, either of which, as another expert described to Hauser, should have served as “a warning flag” for doping.
            Another anti-doping agency, VADA, charges less than USADA and offers more stringent tests.

            In 46 fights for which it has done testing, USADA acknowledged just one boxer caught with PEDs (Morales), whereas VADA had found three positive results in 18 fights.



                I would actually pay good money to see what Spoon23 looks like in real life. Good money.


                  More damaging truths..

                  Mayweather received two intravenous injections, adding up to 750 milliliters of fluid, the day before the May 2 fight, which he won by unanimous decision in Las Vegas. The fluids that the boxer’s camp said were in the injections, mixtures of saline solution and vitamins, would not have been inherently illegal, but the quantity, in that time frame, could have masked another substance and would have been in violation of rules set forth by the World Anti-Doping Agency.

                  Furthermore, representatives of USADA, which is supposed to abide by WADA rules, became aware of the injections when they went to administer a drug test to Mayweather, but the agency failed to report the incident to the Nevada State Athletic Commission, which sanctioned the fight. The NSAC was only made aware of the injections nearly three weeks after the bout, and even then, USADA claimed that it had granted Mayweather a The****utic Use Exemption (TUE), basically a get-out-of-jail-free card, which some experts quoted by Hauser found very odd, at the very least.

                  Victor Conte, who gained notoriety as a peddler of performance-enhancing drugs in the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative case, but who has since become an anti-PED advocate, had this to say:

                  “There are strict criteria for the granting of a TUE. You don’t hand them out like Halloween candy. And this sort of IV use is clearly against the rules. … It’s very su****ious to me. I can tell you that IV drugs clear an athlete’s system more quickly than drugs that are administered by subcutaneous injection. So why did USADA make this decision? Why did they grant something that’s prohibited?”

                  Bob Bennett, who has been executive director of the NSAC since April 2014, and who was previously an FBI agent, told Hauser, “The TUE for Mayweather’s IV — and the IV was administered at Floyd’s house, not in a medical facility, and wasn’t brought to our attention at the time — was totally unacceptable.”




                      What raises an eyebrow that shows how easy it is to show something does not add up and a clear red flag to the boxing community. Yes, Floyd may have gotten away with it technically, but action speaks louder than their cover up.

                      After the weigh-in Floyd's chugging water orally with no signs of dehydration. He even spoke to the interviewee he is ready and feels good for tomorrow's fight.

                      The nsac doctor cleared him of no signs of dehydration during the weigh-in. So how the hell that in a span of less than one day in the biggest fight of his life the world turned upside down for Froid and suddenly became severely dehydrated and he needed IVS. That is an obvious red flag in the avenue of public opinion.

                      mayweather loves saying: Out of the mans own mouth...."I never had a problem making 147lbs"

                      The more Froid sweeps this under the rug. The more he will look guilty. As 10 months has past, he rather zip it.

                      The real question that has yet to be answered. Who was the attending physician that administered the IV? Why was he severely dehydrated? What are the factors that prove that he was? Simple questions yet they rather hide this, An innocent man will bring this out in the open, but a guilty man will rather sweep this under a rug to prevent himself from being incriminated.

                      Floyd would rather hide the facts that will prove his innocence if he really was. - red flag

                      Hauser article

                      Floyd damaging evidence wanting retroactive TUE in their contract @ 9:00 (retroactive treatment)

