Here are the comparative stats between Floyd/DLH and Pac/DLH:
Floyd/DLH = 12 rds.
DLH : 122 landed/587 thrown = 10 landed out of 50/rd.
Floyd : 207 landed/481 thrown = 17 landed out of 40/rd.
Pac/DLH = 8 rds.
DLH : 83 landed/402 thrown = 10 landed out of 50/rd. (in the first 5 rds., DLH threw an average of 60/rd.. It went down to 34/rd. from rd.6 to 8)
Pac : 224 landed/587 thrown = 28 landed out of 73/rd.
Pac had an average of 28 landed/rd., Floyd did 17/rd. DLH maintained his average of 10 landed/rd for both fights. These figures do not support the idea that Floyd's counter punching ability was a major factor in the fight. In fact, the numbers indicate that he was landing significantly less per round compared to Pac.
Floyds power punches were more embarrassing. In 12 rounds, Floyd landed a total of 138, or 11.5/rd.. Pac landed 195 in 8 rounds, or 24.4/rd..
When a boxer is getting hit with fewer and less damaging punches per round, it follows that he will be more confident to engage rather than cower in retreat. This could explain why DLH performed the way he did against Floyd, where he even slightly increased his work rate in the later rounds. Whereas with Pac, DLH had an unusually high work rate in the first 5 rounds (60 punches/rd.), only to dramatically dropped to 33.6/rd. in the last 3 rds..
To be fair, there are two ways to interpret those figures(DLH's performance against Pac).
First, DLH might have initially tried to impose himself on Pac, thinking that with his vaunted power together with an increased work rate, he could catch Pac early and win the fight. However, he might have over extended himself and run out of steam in the later rounds. That could explain why he practically stopped punching.
Or, he realized that Pac was too elusive for him to catch and after five rounds of getting pummeled, his confidence collapsed, resulting to the most humiliating defeat in his career.
Floyd/DLH = 12 rds.
DLH : 122 landed/587 thrown = 10 landed out of 50/rd.
Floyd : 207 landed/481 thrown = 17 landed out of 40/rd.
Pac/DLH = 8 rds.
DLH : 83 landed/402 thrown = 10 landed out of 50/rd. (in the first 5 rds., DLH threw an average of 60/rd.. It went down to 34/rd. from rd.6 to 8)
Pac : 224 landed/587 thrown = 28 landed out of 73/rd.
Pac had an average of 28 landed/rd., Floyd did 17/rd. DLH maintained his average of 10 landed/rd for both fights. These figures do not support the idea that Floyd's counter punching ability was a major factor in the fight. In fact, the numbers indicate that he was landing significantly less per round compared to Pac.
Floyds power punches were more embarrassing. In 12 rounds, Floyd landed a total of 138, or 11.5/rd.. Pac landed 195 in 8 rounds, or 24.4/rd..
When a boxer is getting hit with fewer and less damaging punches per round, it follows that he will be more confident to engage rather than cower in retreat. This could explain why DLH performed the way he did against Floyd, where he even slightly increased his work rate in the later rounds. Whereas with Pac, DLH had an unusually high work rate in the first 5 rounds (60 punches/rd.), only to dramatically dropped to 33.6/rd. in the last 3 rds..
To be fair, there are two ways to interpret those figures(DLH's performance against Pac).
First, DLH might have initially tried to impose himself on Pac, thinking that with his vaunted power together with an increased work rate, he could catch Pac early and win the fight. However, he might have over extended himself and run out of steam in the later rounds. That could explain why he practically stopped punching.
Or, he realized that Pac was too elusive for him to catch and after five rounds of getting pummeled, his confidence collapsed, resulting to the most humiliating defeat in his career.