Originally posted by yesir
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umm, yeah he did affect that fight, he let floyd dip down and turn away taking away the scoring area. he let floyd use his forearms in hattons throat all fight long, so far all those tactics are illegal in boxing. and it wasn't one offense, it was the WHOLE FIGHT. all the while he warned hatton for any little infraction and never said anything to floyd................ biased??? i think so, paid off? i think so, incompetent? inept? old? slow? and blind? i think so, all the above.....
young cortez was good, the current cortez who is trying to be a celebrity with his " fair and firm " gib is crap. it puts cortez in a bad position from the moment he says that line, because if he makes one call, he's forced to make another to counter that call, to be fair, or was it to be firm??? idk, but once he started that campaign and tried to go for the celebrity status with his catch phrase he turned into a completely incompetent referee............ and has progressively gotten worst, and now gets more high profile fights....... his celebrity status is getting him these fights and not his current body of work.
i've mentioned it to him once and he scoffed and ignored me, but at least he knows where real boxing fans stand with him and what he's doing.