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Joshua Clottey is Ready For Any Version of Miguel Cotto
Originally posted by Dorruel View Postlmaoo draw?? whaat a ****in ****. No one dominated more than mosley owned your daddy. Like i said at least Cotto was in the fight and if your tijuana tramposo was legally wrapped Cotto wouldv beat his ass too. But you give him"the benefit of the doubt" so it can help you sleep at night and still suck his balls. GTFO
Originally posted by GRUSTLER View PostI mean Cotto may have had an effect on Mosley but he didn't
hurt him to the point that Mosley feared his power like say for
instance Zab/Gomez/Jennings. If anything Mosley applied more
pressure towards the late rounds. Margarito wasn't hurt at all
the way he walked through Cotto's hardest punches. I agree
if Cotto brings his A game he can pull off a win but I think
Clottey will come in with a solid game plan to take it to Cotto
and frankly he sounds like he doesn't respect Cotto as a threat
and think it will make him a little more loose in the ring. I would
bet but not sure how this system works.
Originally posted by Ravishing View PostThe fights I mention Cotto being hurt are in Corley, Torres, and Margarito fights. With Shane and Zab, Cotto landed flusher shots on both guys more than they're punches had an effect on Cotto. Every fighter at one point gets stunned or rocked, but being actually hurt is another story.
Mosley got stunned and rocked by Oscar, he got stunned, rocked, and hurt against Forrest.
Originally posted by ShalafiV.2 View PostIndeed it's a shame all this happened, we witnessed one of the greater fights at Welterweight in my opinion and for all to have come down the way it did it's sad for both men. it was obvious that Cotto was the better boxer by miles that night but Tony wanted it more and was the better fighter. I give one big prop to Cotto and that is he always comes to fight and doesn't duck anyone.
Ok....So I know that i'm not helping the situation here, but I have to say this...
Why are all the Cotto fans/Margarito haters talking as if the "plaster" fell out of Marg's gloves after he beat Cotto?
Still can't accept that loss I see.
First it was steroids, then it seemed as if Cotto fans could except the loss...All of a sudden the Mosley fight, and now he cheated verses Cotto? The funny thing is, it is clear that some fans have had there minds changed by some of the die hard Cotto fans.
Hell, I even saw someone in this very topic say, "Clottey went 12 rounds with a plasterless Margo"...Really? so the only fight I stll see Cotto fans saying he used it against is Cotto. Yeah, plaster did all that to Cotto, not all the body shots, uppercuts, leaky defense, and still to this day, not the best chin(good, but not great) had nothing to do with it, right?
Then all you clowns get on one guy for his avi, and support of his fighter. I used to be a die hard Margo fan(some of you may know that), but I don't support cheaters, but I must call bull****when I see it. If he cheated against Cotto, provide proof, otherwise, move on...Cotto is still a good fighter, but nothing you say or do(your hate and anger) will never take away the margo win over him...Sorry.
P.S. This is way I have chose not to talk boxing with two groups of fans, do to the nuthuggery.
That is Cotto fans, and Floyd fans.
On A Side Note: To stay on topic. I picked Clottey the minute this fight was made, nothing has changed.
Clottey by SD or Late KO(10th or 11th). Yes I know Clottey is no KO machine, but I don't trust Cotto chin like his fans do.
Originally posted by Dorruel View Postyour denying the obvious with that stament, everyone knows plaster was the deciding factor in that fight. Get it thru your skullyou sound ****in brain dead brah'.
Originally posted by Dorruel View Postyour denying the obvious with that stament, everyone knows plaster was the deciding factor in that fight. Get it thru your skull
Originally posted by Dorruel View Postgreat now your judging my vocabulary what a great comeback, tell you what take tito out your avatar and put a picture of a NON PRICAN holding the puerto rican flag so it can show your true colors, and no ****** im not in the third grade lol
Is Clottey coming with PLASTER OF PARIS? If not he has little to no chance. Mosey beats this cat too.....
Cotto's going to walk through the clot. NOTHING Clottey throws will amount to the punishment Cotto took from the b*tch Mar-a-cheato!
Cotto will out box him.... to get the win.