Originally posted by RL_GMA
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I liken it to this situation....
Its like trying to get with the prom queen and she wont have anything to do with you. Then you both go off to college...She gets ****** out by all kinds of dudes and comes back during summer break looking all fat with a beer gut......in the meantime you have been hooking up with all kinds of hot little 18 year old Freshamn from all over the counrty who came to your school......So she holds no interest for you over Summer and she doesnt understand why....You both go back to school. Only this time she goes on a diet and starts working out thinking when she comes back next summer she'll be able to draw you into hooking up with her. So next Summer comes around and even though she looks better you still dont need it because now you have an even longer line up of younger better looking Freshman chicks wanting to get some.