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The Snitch Thread: Is it ok to be a rat?

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    Never.... Ever!!
    My sister married a guy who snitched out co conspirators in a drug case in San Jose. Everyone except him went to prison.

    He didn't get killed, but he lost his mind and is a homeless and hated bum.


      Originally posted by Zaroku View Post
      Never.... Ever!!
      My sister married a guy who snitched out co conspirators in a drug case in San Jose. Everyone except him went to prison.

      He didn't get killed, but he lost his mind and is a homeless and hated bum.



        Originally posted by Weebler I View Post

        Even the guys who went to prison said watching him talk to himself in the streets is justice enough. **** balances out at times!


          Originally posted by DeadLikeMe View Post
          Wait, are we talking like felonious activity here or snitching on BoxingScene? If the latter, **** the sensitive ass boipuccis...maybe we can establish them a safe space lounge.

          If you endorse snitching in any way, then you are pro snitching, whether that's a simple forum post, or in the interest of national effing defense. That's the point of the thread - here, snitching is snitching, so if you are for it, make a case.


            Originally posted by LoadedWraps View Post

            If you endorse snitching in any way, then you are pro snitching, whether that's a simple forum post, or in the interest of national effing defense. That's the point of the thread - here, snitching is snitching, so if you are for it, make a case.
            My opinion:

            If I rob you and you call the police on me. My bad for leaving a witness.

            If we agree to stack bodies, get caught and you rat me out, burn in hell.

            It is the agreement that is betrayed that makes it snitching. The agreement that is not honored, this is the definition of snitching.

            If my neighbors say, it was Z who did it, I ain't even mad.... You feel me. They are civilians and I have no expectation of silence from them.

            It is that simple.


              Keep you mouth shut!


                Originally posted by TJ highway View Post
                Keep you mouth shut!

                What the pachuko just said! ^^^^^


                  I've never really been down on the concept of "not snitching" as a macho code and an absolute. If someone was doing something REALLY bad, then sure, why not, particularly if it was to protect others?

                  I remember once walking into a room where there were a bunch of 6-year-olds in the nude and some guys were about to take stints.

                  I handed them all the beers I'd just got from the kitchen and said "you know what, guys, if I saw someone do something really fucked up, I'd snitch."

                  Then I took my turn.


                    It's not really just a yes/no question. Whistleblowing for instance isn't necessarily the same as snitching. So it depends on the context.


                      Originally posted by LoadedWraps View Post
                      Would you ever do it? Why or why not?

                      Context is everything in most cases and discussions, but in this case, I am putting you on the spot. There are only two options on this poll, so you are forced to either be pro, or against, and then argue your reasoning from there.

                      Is it ok to be a rat?

                      Absolutely... In any matter which involves crimes against fellow individuals, society and the state... in general...
                      Last edited by MDPopescu; 05-02-2016, 07:23 AM.

