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what's going on with angelina jolie??

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    Originally posted by iLovesoccermoms View Post
    for the idiots who think this is real

    Jolie pics from april to july...

    looks fine.. plus only enquirer are the only ones on the subject and that was from 2 days ya, jolies chillin'
    She still looks like a skeleton, look at that arm. Thats cool if she's happy, but she does look a little creepy. I'm sure brad is kicking himself, Anniston looks like a total slut and way better nowadays.


      Originally posted by iLovesoccermoms View Post
      for the idiots who think this is real

      Jolie pics from april to july...

      looks fine.. plus only enquirer are the only ones on the subject and that was from 2 days ya, jolies chillin'
      Yeah, she looks great.

      Who would you pick?


        To remember what she once looked like...


          Damn shE busted


            Originally posted by Barcham View Post
            No, actually, they haven't. While there are plenty of tabloids like that, News of the World, National Star, etc... The National Enquirer is actually quite reputable in the stories they print. They have been sued many times and I believe only lost once or twice over minor stories. Their major stories tend to be right on the money.
            You have to be kidding...The National Enquirer became a *** and scandal sheet back in the 50's. I was a media rep for 12 years and worked for the oldest currently published Newspaper in North America. I know the history of that rag pretty well. It's the furthest thing from reputable.


              Originally posted by Barcham View Post
              Yeah, she looks great.

              Who would you pick?

              Yea no contest anymore. Anniston's skin alone smokes Jolie.


                Originally posted by jaded View Post
                You have to be kidding...The National Enquirer became a *** and scandal sheet back in the 50's. I was a media rep for 12 years and worked for the oldest currently published Newspaper in North America. I know the history of that rag pretty well. It's the furthest thing from reputable.
                All you need do is to look at the Wikipedia entry for the National Enquirer. It is quite filled with examples of their accurate reporting and in depth investigations. There are way too many details for me to bother posting here, but they include:

                Bristol Palin's pregnancy.
                Sarah Palin's affair with her husband's business partner.
                The John Edwards affair which almost won them a Pulitzer
                Broke the news that OJ was writing a book called 'If I Did It' which was denied by publishers but released a month later.
                Solving the murder of Bill Cosby's son, Enis.
                Rush Limbaugh's addiction to pain killers
                Marital problems of Mel Gibson, Billy Joel and Tiger Woods.
                Broke the story that Steve Jobs had cancer.

                They also list the various lawsuits they lost, none of which were major.


                  Originally posted by El-blanco View Post
                  Yea no contest anymore. Anniston's skin alone smokes Jolie.
                  Except that Jennifer Aniston is probably the most photoshopped woman on the internet. She actually looks like butt.


                    Originally posted by jaded View Post
                    Except that Jennifer Aniston is probably the most photoshopped woman on the internet. She actually looks like butt.

                    Couldn't you just let me live in my delusional world? Lol. She looks good in those commercials and horrible bosses 2. In all seriousness, makeup is what makes all these women look incredible nowadays. Complete transformations. No complaints here, but the better looking chicks are the ones who know how to do makeup the best.


                      Originally posted by Barcham View Post
                      All you need do is to look at the Wikipedia entry for the National Enquirer. It is quite filled with examples of their accurate reporting and in depth investigations. There are way too many details for me to bother posting here, but they include:

                      Bristol Palin's pregnancy.
                      Sarah Palin's affair with her husband's business partner.
                      The John Edwards affair which almost won them a Pulitzer
                      Broke the news that OJ was writing a book called 'If I Did It' which was denied by publishers but released a month later.
                      Solving the murder of Bill Cosby's son, Enis.
                      Rush Limbaugh's addiction to pain killers
                      Marital problems of Mel Gibson, Billy Joel and Tiger Woods.
                      Broke the story that Steve Jobs had cancer.

                      They also list the various lawsuits they lost, none of which were major.
            're right. National Inquirer is a 1st thing must read in the morning for every world leader.

                      It's read by morons...they have demographic statistics for newspapers and readership profiles. It read by the least educated people. But I'll let you get back to the latest issue and the pics...and won't bore you with the details.

