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The truth about feminism.

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    Emmeline Pankhurst worked tirelessly for years with the suffragettes to stop Casual Misogyny.

    If you're reading this, Emmeline.... Nice One, Darling.


      Originally posted by squealpiggy View Post

      It's funny that so-called ******** are derided for being "feminine" or "weak" and yet reactionaries like you are your little bum-chum here are all, without fail, nothing more than frightened and intimidated little boys angrily puffing up your chests in the face of imaginary persecution.



        Originally posted by squealpiggy View Post
        It's interesting to see that you believe that justice can be meted out by gangs of violent rapists.
        - What's justice to you ? rehabilitation ? life imprisonment at the taxpayers' expense ? Something else ?

        To me , justice is about sending a message.

        The punishment should be strong enough to instill terror and deter future/potential perpetrators. I'll be honest here , i'm not fooling myself & pretending that's the perfect way to go , but imo ,laxism is too prevalent in western societies. & when leniency is too generous , you send a message of extreme tolerance for crime.

        Being fed , clothed and housed in jail at the taxpayers' expense for torturing , raping & killing an infant, is not enough to send a strong message to futur child killers.
        Again , what's a torn @sshole compared to the death of a child ?

        The guy got off easy. His sphincter will eventually heal itself. On the other hand , resuscitation is not an option for that dead kid.

        Now , impaling that guy alive on national tv isn't gonna bring that kid back to life. But it'll sure as hell diminish the recurrence rate of these types of crimes. Sure it's barbaric in nature , but that's the whole point. Fight fire with fire.

        I'm reminded of the "golden cup" , vlad tepes story. Ever heard that one ?

        "To prove how much his citizens feared him, Vlad III placed a cup made out of solid gold in the middle of the town square of Tirgoviste. The rule was that anybody could drink out of it, but it could not leave the square under any circumstances. It’s believed that during this time about 60,000 people lived in the town—yet during his entire reign, the priceless cup was never touched, even though it was in full view of thousands of people living in poverty"

        Originally posted by squealpiggy View Post
        Given your archaic and reprehensible views about women it's suddenly making sense that you find rapists and murderers to be noble champions of righteousness.
        - Well , you're minimizing pedophilia & feeling sorry for him.

        Ah ! What's that ? Another straw man !? See what i did there ? I'm mimicking your disingenuous debating technique. You like to put words in people's mouths don't you ?

        Soooooo....I find rapists & murderers to be noble champs of righteousness uh ? Here's what i said in my previous response , quote:

        "Tolerance is so morally noble , especially when you're not that dead child's father. Let me guess , you're against death penalty too right ? "

        Maybe that struck a chord ? Maybe that's why you had to twist my words around. Or maybe you have reading comprehension issues ?

        Nah ! that can't be it ! But your condescending tone makes me think you take your personal opinion & moral values as objective facts. You sound so certain of yourself. As if your moral positions are inherently correct. But they're not. Because your opinion & moral values (as well as mine) , are subjective.

        Originally posted by squealpiggy View Post
        It's funny that so-called ******** are derided for being "feminine" or "weak" and yet reactionaries like you are your little bum-chum here are all, without fail, nothing more than frightened and intimidated little boys angrily puffing up your chests in the face of imaginary persecution.

        Who said anyone was persecuted ? Personally ? My original intention was to post a vid exposing the hypocrisy of the feminist movement. And it can't exist without feminized men. (aka condescending ******* c@nts who think their s**t smells like roses.).

        Originally posted by squealpiggy View Post
        This is seriously pathetic. Your hatred of women (and it is hatred) is based entirely on your own feelings of inadequacy. You are choosing to justify your inability to relate to women by claiming that women are all calculating gold-diggers when your real problem is that you consider them to be objects for your own gratification
        I guess it's now your turn to to psychoanalyze me ? On the contrary Sherlock ,imo that's the perspective of a p@ssy-whipped husband.

        Maybe not "ALL" women are calculating gold-diggers but the majority of them are. Sure there's exceptions but , exception is not the rule. And i'm not the type to turn a blind eye on what the majority is doing whenever it suits my own agenda. (remember i also said men were like ATM machines , which is also true).

        On the other hand feminists paint the picture that all women are innate & eternal victims. But it's not all black & white. It's not about "hatred" for women , i'll be the first one to admit that i can't live without'em. But at the same time , i'll also be the first to point the finger on professional victims who are working hand-in-hand with the state's establishments.

        Enough with the censorship! in the name of "tolerance" & "equality". People have forgotten that their right to be offended doesn't stop anyone else's right to express themselves. The situation is so absurd that we're even encouraging the disuse of words like "ret@rd" , "bum" ,"bossy" , "midget" ,"illegals".

        Orwell's Newspeak has become a reality. We call it political correctness & it isn't helping the world to become a better place , it's just creating a population of hyper-sensitive tw@ts who think their right to be offended trumps your freedom of expression.

        Originally posted by squealpiggy View Post
        I'm not sure how you can argue that there are no legitimate gripes in a thread where somebody has claimed that women exist for the gratification of men and see men as wallets and bank machines
        - You don't like the way I'm wording it. (But you know that i'm right). Idealising men/women relationships is not what i do. And this has nothing to do with misogyny or misandry. It's just cynical realism.

        I don't trust human nature. People's intentions are always motivated by profit & self-interest. (and i'm not saying that's a bad thing) , i think it's a good thing to be aware & honest about it. That's why i'm telling it like it is.


          Originally posted by gandhalf View Post
          This guy nails it (even though he's a ******-communist)

          The truth about feminism is that you're feminin.


            gandhalf with the knockout blow.


              Originally posted by gandhalf View Post
              - What's justice to you ? rehabilitation ? life imprisonment at the taxpayers' expense ? Something else ?

              To me , justice is about sending a message.
              And to you the message is "Psychotic rapists are just the people we need to dispense justice".

              The punishment should be strong enough to instill terror and deter future/potential perpetrators.
              People used to be hanged for stealing food and more serious crimes were met with torturous punishments. Despite all of this deterrence somehow there was more crime and more violence back when you could be drawn and quartered for murder.

              I'll be honest here , i'm not fooling myself & pretending that's the perfect way to go , but imo ,laxism is too prevalent in western societies. & when leniency is too generous , you send a message of extreme tolerance for crime.
              Sending somebody to prison for a minimum of twenty five years is hardly tolerance.

              Being fed , clothed and housed in jail at the taxpayers' expense for torturing , raping & killing an infant, is not enough to send a strong message to futur child killers.
              Again , what's a torn @sshole compared to the death of a child ?

              The guy got off easy. His sphincter will eventually heal itself. On the other hand , resuscitation is not an option for that dead kid.
              If this was his treatment while remanded awaiting trial do you really think he's not going to be murdered in prison?

              Now , impaling that guy alive on national tv isn't gonna bring that kid back to life. But it'll sure as hell diminish the recurrence rate of these types of crimes.
              Demonstrably untrue. Punishments involving torture and death send the opposite message: Life is cheap so murdering and raping is no big deal.

              I'm reminded of the "golden cup" , vlad tepes story. Ever heard that one ?

              "To prove how much his citizens feared him, Vlad III placed a cup made out of solid gold in the middle of the town square of Tirgoviste. The rule was that anybody could drink out of it, but it could not leave the square under any circumstances. It***8217;s believed that during this time about 60,000 people lived in the town***8212;yet during his entire reign, the priceless cup was never touched, even though it was in full view of thousands of people living in poverty"
              I haven't heard that one but I have dined in his former house in the town of Sighisoara in Romania.

              He's quite a folk hero in Romania because he was fairly egalitarian. It didn't matter what your station was in life, the punishment was a wooden spike up the arse. Either Vlad the Impaler didn't have much imagination or he just really knew what he liked.

              - Well , you're minimizing pedophilia & feeling sorry for him.

              Ah ! What's that ? Another straw man !? See what i did there ? I'm mimicking your disingenuous debating technique. You like to put words in people's mouths don't you ?
              You think that a gang of twenty violent rapists dispensed justice. I don't think I put words anywhere.

              "Tolerance is so morally noble , especially when you're not that dead child's father. Let me guess , you're against death penalty too right ? "
              I would jail this individual for life with a minimum of twenty five years before he can apply for parole. That is not tolerant. Neither is it barbaric. It strikes a necessary balance.

              Nah ! that can't be it ! But your condescending tone makes me think you take your personal opinion & moral values as objective facts. You sound so certain of yourself. As if your moral positions are inherently correct. But they're not. Because your opinion & moral values (as well as mine) , are subjective.
              Although I can vouch for the efficacy of my approach and back it up with evidence.

              Who said anyone was persecuted ? Personally ? My original intention was to post a vid exposing the hypocrisy of the feminist movement. And it can't exist without feminized men. (aka condescending ******* c@nts who think their s**t smells like roses.).
              You didn't say it. You acted it. You acted like you are being persecuted by those all powerful women.

              I guess it's now your turn to to psychoanalyze me ? On the contrary Sherlock ,imo that's the perspective of a p@ssy-whipped husband.
              My wife and I are partners in the household in every respect. You apparently feel threatened by that to the degree that you have to denigrate me as "p@ssy-whipped" (sic) because I see woman as equals to men.

              Maybe not "ALL" women are calculating gold-diggers but the majority of them are.
              [citation needed]

              On the other hand feminists paint the picture that all women are innate & eternal victims.
              Are you sure about that? Dr Harriet Hall does that? Hillary Clinton? Ayan Hirsi-Ali?

              But it's not all black & white. It's not about "hatred" for women , i'll be the first one to admit that i can't live without'em. But at the same time , i'll also be the first to point the finger on professional victims who are working hand-in-hand with the state's establishments.
              If the phrase "women are commodities" doesn't strike you as hatred then nothing will. Replace "women" with any other identifiable group. I'll help: "Blacks are commodities". Would such a statement make you a racist? Of course it would!

              Enough with the censorship!
              Calling your ****** opinions ****** is not censorship.

              Orwell's Newspeak has become a reality.
              Always amuses me when idiots invoke Orwell when they get called on their idiotic opinions. "Oh my god you just said that claiming that women are 'commodities' was offensive and ***ist, you're so ORWELLIAN!"

              Yes, being made to feel like a douchebag on the internet is exactly like when Winston Smith was abducted and tortured and then taken to Room 101.

              - You don't like the way I'm wording it. (But you know that i'm right). Idealising men/women relationships is not what i do. And this has nothing to do with misogyny or misandry. It's just cynical realism.
              No it isn't. You're suggesting that the nature of interaction between men and women is entirely exploitative because that's your fantasy.

              I don't trust human nature. People's intentions are always motivated by profit & self-interest. (and i'm not saying that's a bad thing) , i think it's a good thing to be aware & honest about it. That's why i'm telling it like it is.
              No longer referencing The Selfish Gene? Why? Did you honestly think that I hadn't read it?
              Last edited by squealpiggy; 05-11-2014, 12:35 PM. Reason: The word "s p i k e" triggered the auto-censor because "s p i k" is racist. The actual racist term "spic"... uncensored.


                Originally posted by Patty Tanager View Post
                gandhalf with the knockout blow.
                Less a knockout blow, more a splutter from a 50-year-old car exhaust.

                Piggy pushed his wig back with that last post, truly commendable.


                  Originally posted by rorymac View Post
                  Less a knockout blow, more a splutter from a 50-year-old car exhaust.

                  Piggy pushed his wig back with that last post, truly commendable.


                    Originally posted by squealpiggy View Post
                    Are you sure about that? Dr Harriet Hall does that? Hillary Clinton? Ayan Hirsi-Ali?
                    Harriet Hall isn't a feminist, she's more anti-feminist if you pay attention to the things she says, it's mostly the opposite of what feminists/SJW's believe.

                    You don't mean the same Hillary Clinton who wrote this beauty do you?

                    Originally posted by Hillary Clinton
                    Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat.
                    I haven't really paid attention to Ayaan so I can't comment on her.

                    I will say this much though, anyone who considers themselves an open minded person that believes Feminism (As in the Western variety) is what the dictionary defines it as, hasn't educated themselves enough on the matter.


                      I believe in equal rights for women but the feminists go way overboard sometimes, but that could be said for all ideological parties in the social spectrum

