I watched this for the 2nd time today. The 1st time I hated, but I have continually read/been told it is a masterpiece so I thought I'd give it another go. I thought maybe I was just in the wrong frame of mind when I saw it. But no. On second viewing I just hate it all the more.
The reason I hate it so much is that it nearly is a masterpiece. It is so beautifully shot. So well acted. The suspense is so masterfully built up. For the first 3/4's of the film it feels genuinely like the masterpiece it is made out to be. But that just makes the unsatisfactory ending that much worse.
Josh Brolin gave a great performance. He was a thoroughly engaging protagonist. Javier Bardum was a mesmerising, frightening villain. Who couldn't help but be pulled in by those stellar performances? But who could possibly be happy with the way their stories ended? Why build up the suspense to such an unbearable degree only to deliberately serve up such an anti-climatic ending? Why the hell kill off the protagonist off screen? There is no way that an off screen death is the most dramatic way to go. There is no way that an off screen death is anything other than anti-climatic. The unsatisfactory conclusion to the film completely ruins it for me. Making a bad film is one thing, but having a potentially great film and ruining is by not offering up a satisfactory conclusion just to try and be different is fcuking annoying.
The reason I hate it so much is that it nearly is a masterpiece. It is so beautifully shot. So well acted. The suspense is so masterfully built up. For the first 3/4's of the film it feels genuinely like the masterpiece it is made out to be. But that just makes the unsatisfactory ending that much worse.
Josh Brolin gave a great performance. He was a thoroughly engaging protagonist. Javier Bardum was a mesmerising, frightening villain. Who couldn't help but be pulled in by those stellar performances? But who could possibly be happy with the way their stories ended? Why build up the suspense to such an unbearable degree only to deliberately serve up such an anti-climatic ending? Why the hell kill off the protagonist off screen? There is no way that an off screen death is the most dramatic way to go. There is no way that an off screen death is anything other than anti-climatic. The unsatisfactory conclusion to the film completely ruins it for me. Making a bad film is one thing, but having a potentially great film and ruining is by not offering up a satisfactory conclusion just to try and be different is fcuking annoying.