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Which dictator killed the most people?

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    Originally posted by New England View Post
    defending chairman mao and genocide?
    pretty sick, man.

    don't let your commie bias get in the way of the truth. dictators, regardless of where they might lie on a political spectrum, have often practiced genocide historically. they generally don't tolerate opposition. let's see you pile on some support for hitler. i'm guessing that you won't because of that commie bias.

    failed policies [intended to industrialize the country and make money,] that lead to the deaths of millions of people are being idly swept under the rug. "well, his policies killed these people, but that doesn't mean he was a bad guy!"

    never mind the amount of political opposition you have to directly kill along the way to ruling a country with no opposing political party.

    to answer the question, it's chairman mao. even hitler and stalin aren't in his league.
    See above post.

    There is no "commie bias" here since Mao was a Stalinist, which obviously I oppose being that I am a Marxist/Leninist/Trotskyst. The only Maoist practices that are worth reading on are his guerrilla tactics, still successfully used today. If you would actually read my posts and get your head out of your ass I never said Mao wasn't a bad guy, rather I've only specifically called into question of the inflated number of 78 million, which after all that is precisely the subject of the thread.
    Last edited by ИATAS; 03-12-2014, 09:29 AM.


      Communism and socialism will never work. The reason is because humans are flawed. You need a system of checks and balances, where a group or individual are checking each other so there's always a conflicting voice.

      Those systems go against human nature. The idea that individualism is wrong, that the commune is right, is just not what humans do. I believe we need some aspects of socialism and even communism, but those systems on their own will always fail.

      When you give complete power to one group or one person, it will always go wrong. I have many Cuban friends that came from Cuba, and that system has failed miserably. Now before you go on and tell me it's because of the U.S embargo, there's more to it than just that.

      Cuba has failed because Fidel has complete power and is a hypocrite. He does one thing and preaches another. The people of Cuba are the one's who have suffered and dictators like him, preach this Utopia, while living in a much different way than the vast majority of the population. He has brain washed those people and has fooled them into thinking their system is the best, all the while they are suffering miserably.

      Capitalism isn't perfect, and it has it's own serious issues. Democracy for me is the best system of govt we have at this time, but it's also flawed if you abuse it.


        Originally posted by Cuauhtémoc1520 View Post

        When you give complete power to one group or one person, it will always go wrong. I have many Cuban friends that came from Cuba, and that system has failed miserably. Now before you go on and tell me it's because of the U.S embargo, there's more to it than just that.

        Cuba has failed because Fidel has complete power and is a hypocrite. He does one thing and preaches another. The people of Cuba are the one's who have suffered and dictators like him, preach this Utopia, while living in a much different way than the vast majority of the population. He has brain washed those people and has fooled them into thinking their system is the best, all the while they are suffering miserably.

        Capitalism isn't perfect, and it has it's own serious issues. Democracy for me is the best system of govt we have at this time, but it's also flawed if you abuse it.
        Communism is supposed to be ********ic. What we've seen since Stalin are Stalinist regimes modeled after Stalin, which in fact are anti Marxist.

        Capitalism cannot continue forever obviously. Half the planet is in poverty largely because of Capitalism and Imperialism.

        I'd also argue the degree of democracy we truly have here in the US under a two party system where each party is privately funded by big business and the rich ruling elite.

        As for Cuba they have also been modeled after Stalin and it always was going to be a huge challenge to succeed being they were a small very poor island that needed to rely heavily on foreign aid, mainly from the Soviet Union. Marx always said Communism would organically evolve from Capitalism, after Capitalism withers away after it serves up it's useful purpose. Cuba, China, Russia - they tried to implement socialism in poor, backwards countries that were not industrialized, a nearly impossible task. This is why Germany was so important to the early communists, as the idea was revolution would eventually occur in a fully developed country, however the failures of their revolutions in Germany never progressed and we know the rest of the story.
        Last edited by ИATAS; 03-12-2014, 09:41 AM.


          Originally posted by ***1048;ATAS View Post
          Communism is supposed to be ********ic. What we've seen since Stalin are Stalinist regimes modeled after Stalin, which in fact are anti Marxist.

          Capitalism cannot continue forever obviously. Half the planet is in poverty largely because of Capitalism and Imperialism.

          I'd also argue the degree of democracy we truly have here in the US under a two party system where each party is privately funded by big business and the rich ruling elite.
          I agree with you to a certain extent because of the corruption among the very rich and how they skew the system for their own benefit but that is a misuse of capitalism.

          If you look at stats over the last 100 years though, almost every country in the western world has grown out of poverty from where they were. We are getting better as a society, living longer, and having more due to democracy and capitalism.

          Again, I think there's a misuse of it, and corruption is in every system because humans are flawed. Look at China for example, they haven't grown into an economic power because of communist ideals, on the contrary. They have mimicked the model of capitalism and free market and are trading with the west, producing goods at an amazing rate and are the fastest growing economy in the world.

          The Chinese learned where the Soviets didn't.


            I was going to guess Pol Pot before seeing the graph. Interesting.



              CONGO GENOCIDE under King Leopold II

              From 1885 to 1908, it is estimated that the Congolese native population decreased by about ten million people


                Originally posted by SBleeder View Post
                I was going to guess Pol Pot before seeing the graph. Interesting.
                Pol Pot would be way up there considering the population of Cambodia during his reign was 7 to 8 million. That would be rougly 20-30% of the entire population that was exterminated . Able bodied, intelligent educated people were specifically targeted so the brain drain from the genocide was devastating.

                So p4p Pol Pot is definitely up there.


                  Originally posted by jreckoning View Post
                  Pol Pot would be way up there considering the population of Cambodia during his reign was 7 to 8 million. That would be rougly 20-30% of the entire population that was exterminated . Able bodied, intelligent educated people were specifically targeted so the brain drain from the genocide was devastating.

                  So p4p Pol Pot is definitely up there.
                  Pretty much everyone was targeted with his insane Year Zero plan. Probably one of the most insane ideas ever carried out!


                    Originally posted by ***1048;ATAS View Post
                    Pretty much everyone was targeted with his insane Year Zero plan. Probably one of the most insane ideas ever carried out!
                    What trips me out is when your walking around you actually see human bones and tattered clothes in the dirt. Mind blowing. You don't even have to go to the killing fields, because well the killing fields were everywhere.

                    The movement started as a nationalistic movement. A ton of dirty and double dealing involved which would take books to explain.

                    Mao expressed begrudging admiration for what Pol Pot tried to do.
                    He couldn't believe how far they actually went.

                    Amazing the whole goal was to sublimate every known desire in the service of Angkar.

                    To keep you is of no benefit, to destroy you is no loss, was one of their major rallying cries.

                    What I have always been fascinated with, is the complicity of the general population to the will of these often crazy leaders. Naturally they do things outside of their normal character out of sheer terror, but these kinds of things have to start somewhere and learning how they started and what makes people change is a very interesting topic.


                      Funny... Yet no American is mentioned?

