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Which dictator killed the most people?

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    It was because of the wars. Even though most of those deaths were years AFTER ww2 and the civil war.

    -NATAS, People's Champion


      Originally posted by Left Hook Tua View Post
      It was because of the wars. Even though most of those deaths were years AFTER ww2 and the civil war.

      -NATAS, People's Champion
      Yeah most of the 100 million or so deaths attributable to communism were during peacetime. But I am shocked to see a self described communist defend Mao, or that he would use Tse-tung's supposed intent as an excuse.
      Last edited by Jim Jeffries; 03-12-2014, 01:37 PM.


        It's funny really, when people talk of mass murderers, they only ever talk about the 20th century. Truth is, the ultimate mass murderer was Gengis Khan. He was responsible for the deaths of 40 million+ people. Now, that doesn't come close to equaling Mao. BUT, Khan did it all on horseback. I read recently that the Mongols would invade villages and skin everyone of their body fat, then they'd use that giant mass of body fat as a missile launched from a catapult. They'd set the fat on fire, because apparently human fat burns really well, then they'd launch it into the city they were besieging.

        During the Siege of Baghdad in 1258, they chopped down ALL the trees around the city, and launched them into it. Can you imagine that? Giant ****ing trees being used as missiles, many probably on fire. So after every tree (and there must've been hundreds, maybe thousands used) had been launched, what remained in the city? Every building would've been destroyed, many people would've been killed already. Then the Mongols would break down the gates of the city, sweeping in & having no mercy on what remained. They destroyed the Great Library of Baghdad, which at the time was a centre of learning in the world, filled with ancient manuscripts from Egypt, Rome, Greece, Persia, India, China etc etc, and used the books from the library as a makeshift bridge. They chucked all the books into the river Tigris, and the river turned black due to all the ink.

        The Mongols would kill everyone they could find, leave, THEN come back a few days later to kill the rest who'd been hiding.


          defending chairman mao and genocide?
          pretty sick, man.

          don't let your commie bias get in the way of the truth. dictators, regardless of where they might lie on a political spectrum, have often practiced genocide historically. they generally don't tolerate opposition. let's see you pile on some support for hitler. i'm guessing that you won't because of that commie bias.

          failed policies [intended to industrialize the country and make money,] that lead to the deaths of millions of people are being idly swept under the rug. "well, his policies killed these people, but that doesn't mean he was a bad guy!"

          never mind the amount of political opposition you have to directly kill along the way to ruling a country with no opposing political party.

          to answer the question, it's chairman mao. even hitler and stalin aren't in his league.


            Originally posted by Jim Jeffries View Post
            Yeah most of the 100 million or so deaths attributable to communism was during peacetime. But I am shocked to see a self described communist defend Mao, or that he would use Tse-tung's supposed intent as an excuse.

            bbbb-bbut he was trying to make money doe. it's all gravy.


              LOL@ defending Mao.......

              Genghis Khan beats them all. I was reading about that ***er about a year ago and historians say there may be 90 million deaths attributed to him.




                  Originally posted by Sweet Pea 50 View Post



                    Originally posted by Jim Jeffries View Post
                    Yeah most of the 100 million or so deaths attributable to communism was during peacetime. But I am shocked to see a self described communist defend Mao, or that he would use Tse-tung's supposed intent as an excuse.

                    As stated, I am not defending Mao, nor am I a Maoist, merely I can debating the inflated number of 78 million.


                      Originally posted by ***1048;ATAS View Post
                      Mao didn't kill 70+ million people. These lists always include stuff like the Great Chinese Famine which killed about 40 million (that's America's estimate, China's was 16.5) and are highly inflated. Millions died in the Chinese Civil War and Sino Japanese war, various other wars and famime. People leave out that Life expectancy increased from 35 in 1949 to 65 in the 1970s when Mao's rule came to an end.

                      Did Mao have people killed? Absolutely. But nothing remotely close to this. Mao always had the support of the peasants. If he killed 40+ million peasants they obviously would have blamed him, but of course they never did and always supposed him.
                      are u chinese or something bro? u seem to get very offended when anything chinese gets brought up that u disagree with LOL.

