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Vaccine side effects. Yup more info coming to the surface.

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    Well looks like MSN removed the story they posted. Link is now dead. Why did they pull this story?

    Tiffany Daly is one of those "rare" cases.

    “I was very active, hiking all the time, camping — you know, all sorts of stuff," Daly said. "Anything I could do outside I would try to do."

    Daly was working at her job at a Long Beach, California, metal shop on July 22 when she suddenly lost feeling in her legs and collapsed. She spent more than a week in the hospital undergoing numerous brain scans and MRIs. A neurologist finally diagnosed her with transverse myelitis.

    Daly, who had never heard of the condition before, explained: “It's inflammation that is in your spine. Most people have it from their neck to all the way to their toes, which I'm very blessed to have it just from my waist to my toes.”

    Transverse myelitis causes pain, muscle weakness, paralysis, sensory problems or bladder and bowel dysfunction. There are many causes, including infections and immune-system disorders like multiple sclerosis. Daly said, however, that she was completely healthy before the incident and was shocked when the doctor said her sudden case was likely caused by her first injection of the Moderna COVID vaccine, which she received more than six weeks before her legs went numb.

    “I was just confused, because I was paralyzed and I was scared, you know?" Daly said. "And that's like the last thing I kind of wanted to hear: I was paralyzed by the Moderna vaccine."

    Despite rare cases like Daly's, the CDC and medical experts reiterate the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history.

    Tiffany Daly, who does not have health insurance, hadn’t been working at her temp job long enough to qualify for full-time benefits. After she became ill, she moved into her mom's Oceanside home in a retirement community, where her mom is now her full-time caretaker.

    William Fitzsimmons, who is the founder of Tutela Pharmaceuticals, is also an adjunct assistant professor in the department of physiology and biophysics at the College of Medicine at the University of Illinois Chicago.

    “Actually, a large portion of myelitis cases are idiopathic, meaning we never find out the cause, but vaccines have also been associated with myelitis,” Fitzsimmons told NBC 7 Investigates.

    Fitzsimmons documented the relationship between COVID vaccines and transverse myelitis, publishing a paper on the Social Science Research Network.

    “I wanted to make health care professionals aware that this could be an adverse reaction to these vaccines so they would report them and appropriately diagnose and treat the patients,” Fitzsimmons explained.

    Fitzsimmons' research is also personal. The case he studied was his brother, Bob.

    “My brother was 63 years old," Fitzsimmons said. "He was healthy, jogging almost every day and received his second dose of the Moderna vaccine in April. After receiving that dose, within one day he started experiencing numbness, tingling sensation, pain in his lower extremities. Within two days of being vaccinated, he was unable to walk. He was hospitalized in severe pain and was in the hospital for one week.”

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tracks vaccine reactions through its Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database. Anyone — health care professionals, vaccine manufacturers, the general public — can submit a report to VAERS. So far, out of the more than 420 million doses administered, there have been 219 reports of unverified cases of COVID vaccines and myelitis; 84 of those were connected to the Moderna vaccine, 103 to the Pfizer vaccine and 30 to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Two are unknown.

    Fitzsimmons believes those numbers are underreported.

    “It’s based on spontaneous reports," Fitzsimmons said. "It’s not collecting all of the information."

    Tiffany Daly and her mother, Cathy, reported her case to the CDC and submitted it to the VAERS database. They also filed reports with Moderna, U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Department of Health and Human Services. In all cases, the Tiffany said, they received a generic reply and were assigned a case number.

    Fitzsimmons, on behalf of his brother Bob, reported his case to Moderna and the CDC and also said he received no feedback.

    “They weren't interested in following up with me, and they indicated to me at the end of April that they didn't think this was a safety signal because they didn't see a disproportionate reporting of myelitis with COVID vaccines compared to other vaccines,” Fitzsimmons said.

    NBC 7 Investigates reached out to Moderna and HHS to ask about reports of transverse myelitis and COVID vaccines, but they did not respond before our deadline.

    “You know, I live on very little Social Security,” Cathy Daly told NBC 7. “They basically just said, ‘Do what you got to do.’ There was no, 'Go here for help, go there for help.' There was nothing.”

    Tiffany Daly, who doesn't want to be a financial burden on her mother, said she’s been denied disability benefits. Legal action against the drugmaker is not an option.

    “There are several things that complicate the situation for people like Tiffany and my brother,” Fitzsimmons said. “Last year the secretary of HHS signed the PREP Act, which actually limits the liability of manufacturers as well as health care professionals related to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

    Tiffany Daly also has to worry about protecting herself against COVID-19 since she was unable to get her second shot.

    “We have antibodies that are already under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for treatment of outpatient mild-to-moderate COVID-19," Fitzsimmons said. "These antibodies are directed specifically against the spike protein within the virus, and therefore one of the approaches that has been used is for prevention of COVID-19. So, I think that one of the good things to do is to research the people that can no longer receive the vaccine, could get the antibodies and can therefore be protected.”


      Originally posted by Citizen Koba View Post

      They don't even need to have had the vaccine at all. These mfers are just claiming any death or heart attack in which the cause ain't given regardless if there's information about vaccination status or not. Someone died and we don't know how? Must be the vaccine!!!
      Yeah I'm sure kids have heart attacks all the time huh?


        Bahahaha now its the deer and lions.


          2021 heart attacks are up. Numbers won't lie and in time we will see a bigger picture.


            Originally posted by LarryX.... View Post
            im still here healthy as a horse..anyone here got vaccinated and died or been in the hospital???
            I don't think if that happened they'd be able to answer your question there Larry lol
            man down man down likes this.


              Originally posted by man down View Post
              2021 heart attacks are up. Numbers won't lie and in time we will see a bigger picture.
              Yeah. Their methodology sucks man, and they even acknowledge themselves that they're utterly speculating. Of course there's gonna be a decreasing ratio of heart attacks linked to COVID compared to those not linked to COVID because far fewer people are dying of COVID whilst people continue to have heart attacks from other causes The correlation graph between vaccination in u30s and the increased ratio is beyond meaningless as a result, even if correlation did imply causation.. Overall excess deaths from heart attacks are down massively from last year which is even shown by the numbers they use cos guess what, COVID is massively more likely to give you a heart attack than vaccination which statistically barely moves the needle. Current ratio of excess heart deaths to the expected number stands at about 1.05 - 1.10 the expected number but this could come from any number of factors... the health service has been upended this last 18 and many thousands of patients who would otherwise have been treated for other chronic conditions have had to wait whilst the NHS has dealt with critcal COVID patients and COVID hospitalisations whilst down remain a major drain on resources.

              Honestly excess deaths statistics are a pretty blunt tool anyway, they can be helpful in identifying trends that may be worthy of further investigation but as a diagnostic tool they're all but useless, you simply can't draw that kind of conclusion from them.

              That said the excess mortality releases are a really useful source to familiarise yourself with:


                Originally posted by man down View Post
                Bahahaha now its the deer and lions.

                Now all deer have to be vaccinated if we hope to eradicate this pandemic.
                man down man down likes this.


                  Originally posted by man down View Post

                  Yeah I'm sure kids have heart attacks all the time huh?
                  Are you talking about the two kids from Staffordshire who didn't have any cause of death mentioned? How do you know they had heart attacks? How do you know they were vaccinated? The heart attack guys (who lived) were a minor league Dutch footballer and 30 year old ex-cricketer and we're not told whether either was vaccinated or had underlying issues.. And yes, people do have heart attacks even in their 20s and 30s... course you gonna find some if you're trawling stories from Asia and Europe as well as the Americas, that's like billions of people Of course you're gonna get heart atccks in some younger people. In neither case was there any mention of COVID or vaccination.

                  Oh look:

                  No mention of COVID or vaccines? Ah so what? Who cares... must be the vaccines!!!

                  Look I ain't even got particularly strong feelings either way about vaccinations for kids... I flat out told Jr it's up to him and explained some of the pluses but also the possible side effects. Seems like he's gonna go for it but I wouldn't have been bother ed if he hadn't despite that infections are high in his school. Nonetheless available information continues to show that even in kids who have a low risk of serious illness and only a tiny risk of death vaccination remains the safer option... and that's even without taking into account that kids who catch it at school are likely to pass it on to their families who might be more vulnerable.


                    Now we're just mixing chit and being like, let's see if this works.
                    Ok Anti tik tok people prove this wrong. So if they're putting heart attack medication in the Vax I guess they're admitting it cases heart attacks.


                      Originally posted by man down View Post
                      Now we're just mixing chit and being like, let's see if this works.
                      Ok Anti tik tok people prove this wrong. So if they're putting heart attack medication in the Vax I guess they're admitting it cases heart attacks.
                      Do you ever fact check anything you post? You just take BS and spread it here, literally nobody is ever persuaded by it, and you just get owned by other posters over and over and look like a fool. That Koba guy proves you wrong so often I feel like I'm witnessing a gang **** every time I look at your threads in the lounge.

                      So the girl on tiktok with braces(great source btw) is claiming that tromethamine is primarily used to treat people who have just had a heart attack. I have never heard of the drug before but a quick search suggests this is not the case. It seems that it is used as a buffer in vaccines and most of the info on it discusses this. As a medicine it's used to treat kidney problems, not heart attacks.

                      Here is a study from 1981 about it being used as a buffer, so clearly this is not a new development or part of some covid conspiracy

                      As for why it is commonly used in vaccine for decades: "The useful buffer range for tris (7–9) coincides with the physiological pH typical of most living organisms. This, and its low cost, make tris one of the most common buffers in the biology/biochemistry laboratory."

                      You can find it here on the list of most commonly used buffers in biology, it's number 3

                      Why did you not do any of this research? Why did you post lies and propaganda? You have spent half this thread trying to exploit the deaths of children by lying and claiming they had the vaccine, and the other half of the thread posting tiktok lies that anybody could prove wrong if they took 2 seconds to research for themselves.

                      So you are basically half-scumbag, half-retard. Lying about dead children but too ****** to even convince anybody of anything
                      Last edited by Clegg; 11-04-2021, 05:20 AM.

