Oh I see. It's a thing now then. Antivaxxers just reporting teen deaths as vaccine related whether the kids are even vaccinated or not, huh? Little bit twisted TBH.
No announcement yet.
Vaccine side effects. Yup more info coming to the surface.
Originally posted by man down View Post
Rapidly Progressive Dementia with Asymmetric Rigidity Following ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccination
There are people dying and your only thought is "yay, I can pretend this is vaccine related to spam a boxing site with".
You come across like a crazy person. If I had a friend acting this way I'd be worried for them. Does the way you get proven wrong over and over still not cause you to question any of this stuff before you post it?
Originally posted by GhostofDempsey View Post
We are seeing thousands of vaccinated still getting COVID, and there has been no scientific study to prove that only the unvaccinated are passing it along to others.
Honestly it's a very long way short of what was initially touted although behind the triumphalism of various politicians there was always a fair bit of sentiment within the research community that vaccine effectiveness might drop and that we shouldn't expecting to see a full return to normality any time soon. It is still of very significant benefit at reducing infection rates though probably ain't enough by itself for herd immunity to be reached and it does remain the best way of preventing serious infection or death.