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911 was set up by the goverment!! There is proof everywhere!

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    Originally posted by PBDS View Post
    ...Zeitgeist is a load of total ****. Aside from the whole jesus myth part, nothing they come up with has anything substantial to it. It's all conjecture and bull****. You're a fellow Floridian so I'm going to cut you some slack and assume that your a very young kid.
    haha, man you dont even know, hey I dont pressure anyone and I let them believe what they want to believe. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion and that film is wild and has many different ones but all I ask is what makes you so sure the government is so true to there people. I'm not going to brag and so I know people but I do. I'm not saying everything on that film is 100% true and plausible but I will say they make really good points about different topics and people DO need to open there eyes a little more. That's all I ask. I don't ask ANYONE to believe the film, just open your mind some and look outside the box a little.

    But again, I'm not trying to preach or convince anyone to believe anything. i'm just saying don't totally ignore things and open your mind some... not hattin man, really i'm not. but thanks for checking out the film. hey if you didn't believe one thing i bet you were entertained for some of it, or at least got a laugh right????


      Originally posted by Sin City View Post
      was Clinton president when we got attacked? NO.
      Yup, he should be on mount rushmore for pushing coke and funding the Taliban!
      Hey weren't you against amnesty? cus he did that too..
      Only the sheep of the ********** party see him as a great president.
      Yes, twice.


        The government loves u say what u want, believe what u want but there is no denying the fact that there is numerious facts the government ignores when it comes to 911.
        I tried to resist commenting but I just couldn't.

        Scientist have proven many of their theroies wrong!
        They did? When? And who? And in which peer reviewed scientific journal was this "proof" published?

        But the government won't address them!
        And what should the government be addressing? Considering your theory is "The guvvermint dun it" in what manner should it be addressed? Vote in congress? Public enquiry? **** Cheney taking them on a hunting trip?

        Also why won't they release the video of this massive 747 ducking construction equipment, ducking a freeway, slamming the pentagon leaving this little collapsed hole and leaving the grass un-touched.
        Does this entire sentence become completely worthless if I point out that the aircraft in question was a 757, not a 747?

        Also since when does jet fuel burn hot enough to melt steel? That is chemically impossible!
        I was playing jenga yesterday and the ****ing tower fell over. I still claim that I won as it is physically impossible for the wooden jenga blocks to melt purely from the heat of the friction so it must have been a controlled demolition.

        Why are these firefighters, cops, and reporters reporting multiple explosions before wtc collapsed.
        Two planes crashed into the towers?

        And how does wtc #7 which is no where near the two wtc collaps on itself?
        Since when does "adjacent to" equate to "nowhere near"?

        They claim debree landed on it and caused a fire which melted the steel as well
        Who do? The scientists?

        lmao two days before 911 government officials clear out the south ends of all three towers for hours and ordered all sniff dogs and security out of the bulding.
        The government know that the moon is made of cheese. It must be true because I said it. Many people also know this to be true which is evidence that it is true and also the government deny it.

        To this day government won't address that issue.
        The government addressed it when they held an inquiry.

        Many employess and security have confirmed this to be true.
        OK here I'm just going to out and out call you a liar. The onus is on you to provide evidence.

        No jet fuel cannot melt steel. If it could, foundries would not need to use induction and arc furnaces now, would they?
        Does controlled demolition melt steel? You absolutely have to answer this question. If you answer "no" then you're admitting that steel doesn't need to melt to cause the collapse of a building. If you answer "yes" then you are making the outrageous claim that demolition causes the melting of steel and you would be required to back that up. Good luck with that.

        bin laden can say whatever he wants for his freedom and loads of cash come on dude!
        bin Laden is a multi millionaire from a family of billionaires. Money doesn't mean much to him. As for his freedom... he's already free!

        why was there no serial numbers on the parts they found on the wreckage at the pentagon? thats unheard of for a manufacturer to not put serial numbers on their parts. every part for every thing we use in life has part numbers or serial numbers
        Did you notice that there were no vampire shadows anywhere in the WTC attack? This is proof that vampires did it as everyone knows that vampires cast no shadows.

        You dozy ****.


          Curveball time.

          I think that even if all the evidence did point towards the US government being responsible for the 9/11 attacks, it would be literally impossible for the world to accept and deal with this fact. Imagine it, how on earth could the western world possibly deal with the notion that the most powerful nation on earth, to whom nearly every western country is both allied and beholden, was essentially a corrupt and evil monstrosity? I don't think it could, and that the idea is basically unthinkable and could never be admitted. Thus, no 'proof' could ever even begin to be accepted, no matter how strong it was, and we would all just continue on our current course, in absolute denial of the facts.



            Originally posted by abadger View Post
            Curveball time.

            I think that even if all the evidence did point towards the US government being responsible for the 9/11 attacks, it would be literally impossible for the world to accept and deal with this fact. Imagine it, how on earth could the western world possibly deal with the notion that the most powerful nation on earth, to whom nearly every western country is both allied and beholden, was essentially a corrupt and evil monstrosity? I don't think it could, and that the idea is basically unthinkable and could never be admitted. Thus, no 'proof' could ever even begin to be accepted, no matter how strong it was, and we would all just continue on our current course, in absolute denial of the facts.

            Moot point because all of the evidence that points to a government conspiracy is simply made up.

            There's evidence of incompetence on the part of the government but none whatsoever that points towards malice.


              Originally posted by squealpiggy View Post
              Moot point because all of the evidence that points to a government conspiracy is simply made up.

              There's evidence of incompetence on the part of the government but none whatsoever that points towards malice.
              But theoretically? Can you imagine any kind of coherent response to such a scenario that did not involve denying that it occured?


                Originally posted by abadger View Post
                But theoretically? Can you imagine any kind of coherent response to such a scenario that did not involve denying that it occured?

                Oh absolutely! The government (or high enough up government officials) would be put on trial by the new administration for murder. Once found guilty the new administration would wash its hands of the whole affair.


                  Originally posted by squealpiggy View Post
                  Oh absolutely! The government (or high enough up government officials) would be put on trial by the new administration for murder. Once found guilty the new administration would wash its hands of the whole affair.
                  You really think so? I don't say its impossible, but to even get to that stage would require essentially rewriting the entire self image of the Western nations, the world would literally be revolutionised, and I'm not at all sure that such a thing could be done. Far easier, and much more likely to assume the default position of "we are the good guys, don't be so utterly ridiculous, there is no way they would ever do such a thing."
                  Last edited by abadger; 07-21-2008, 11:11 AM.


                    Originally posted by abadger View Post
                    You really think so? I don't say its impossible, but to even get to that stage would require essentially rewriting the entire self image of the Western nations, the world would literally be revolutionised, and I'm not at all sure that such a thing could be done.
                    You just blame a rogue element and run with it.

                    But not a rogue elephant. Even though that would be cool.


                      Originally posted by squealpiggy View Post
                      You just blame a rogue element and run with it.

                      But not a rogue elephant. Even though that would be cool.

                      OK, and by the way I don't think they really did, but I don't believe they are "good" either. I don't mind speculating on hypotheticals either.

                      Imagine the fallout and the size of the 'rogue element' that would be implicated, you'd have to address the question of why it occurred. That would take in probably every US oil company currently working in Iraq, or at least the biggest, any politicians (Cheney, Bush) who had links to them, the US secret service, probably the Saudi Government, to all intents and purposes you'd be talking about the entire US military industrial complex and then some. It would be incredible. As I've said, I'm not at all certain that the world would be able to cope with such a thing.

                      On the other hand. Corrupt 'black ops' secret service agents in the pay of Al Quaeda has a nice ring to it. Perhaps I am underestimating the ability of politicians to weasel of the hook. Still, it kind of has the same result though, an inability to accept the reality of what would have happened.

                      I'll shut up now, and get back to taking hallucinogenic drugs.

