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Religious Question

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    Originally posted by CletusVanDamme View Post
    LMAO I am glad you are posting more.
    where the hell have you been too?? If we can get more old posters to come back up then we can maybe have our glory days back?
    I noticed Mech posting a lot more too...


      Anyways with myself i am a devuot Catholic 100 percent believe in God and Jesus. Anyways i know how people point out evils and why kids are allowed to die and what not. My take on it is that it is what God wants. If he wants someones 6 year old daughter to get cancer and die to me that shows he is ready to be with his own creation(his own daughter). I believe when we Die God is calling us into heaven to be with him for eternal life. When your on earth he is not ready to take you in, its not your time, it all depends on when he wants you. But thats just what i believe.

      Anyways i dont mean to offend anyone, but if i do im sorry. I always thought Atheist were ignorant people. Take it what ever way you see this but like i said its not intended to offend anyone. I am not trying to convert anyone to catholicism or even christianity but there is Islan Buddhism, *******, etc i am sure there is someone out there for everyone to believe in.

      Believing in God imo helps give you strength. When your about to fight praying for a win helps ease tense and when you win you know it was a gift frmo God, and when you lose, it isnt God slapping you in the face, it shows you need to prepare even better if you want to win.

      I just think God helps you get through certain situations, i mean **** when your in a war and theres bullets flying you Pray to God you dont get shot in fear, and when your not a believer your just going in alone with nothing to help you, just you yourself

      anyways thats my take on some **** that was talked about, like i said i dont intend to offend anyone


        I think I started out the same as a alot of people did. When I was little I was fed religion i.e. Christianity and I believed it because I was young and dumb and it's a nice feeling to believe that when you die you don't really die but rather you go up in the clouds to a perfect world with all of your friends and family and loved ones forever. However as I grew up I started asking questions and I started realizing how illogical Christianity is. God loves you more than anything in the world but if you choose not to worship him your burning for eternity. What kind of a ****ed up God is that. Why would an all powerful entity need/want people to worship him? I was taught God is a jealous God and that the most important thing is not to be a good person but to believe in him and his son. What this says is if you were a ****** no matter how good a person you were or how much you improved the world in your time on this Earth your burning in hell. Sorry just not my cup of tea. That's one reason out of many why I don't believe in Christianity. Another is Christianity's enemy since the dawn of free thinking: Science. Science has disproved essentially everything in the Bible. It's painfully obvious the Bible was written by men thousands of years ago who were cracked out, claiming to be prophets whose explanations of the physical world at that time fit. Dinosaurs come to mind. But at that time only, not anymore with science exposing this fact. Evolution. Humans and apes share a common ancestor thats a fact. If it was up to Christianity they'd have humanity still thinking the Earth was flat and at the center of the universe. Just on every level I can think of I have been unable to find one thing that gives Christianity a hint of real world credibility/proof that it's real. Finally I have my own theory of how religion itself arose from humanity. As humans evolved they became much smarter then any other life form in the history of the planet. With that came the ability for abstract thinking. Now the common denominator of all life is survival aka the inherent drive in all life to want to survive. When humans became smart enough to identify death and realize that all things die (keep in mind all other animals on the planet have no concept of death so they never know it's coming except elephants but they're a different case and if you want me to elaborate just post on it and I will) and there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it meaning no way we can avoid this impending doom and "survive", we created religion as a shield, as a survival mechanism. This way we don't "die" but rather live. In doing this the human race will continue to coexist and reproduce for as long as it can. Religion is the band aid for the problem that arose with us being too smart and having the ability to think in the abstract. I could go on and on with my reasons but those are just a few. Because this view is so bleak though the majority will not believe in this. They either consciously or sub consciously or a mixture of both choose not to. This goes back to pleasure/displeasure mindset all of us have as detailed by some Roman or Greek philosopher I can't remember the name of and just plain survival. If I choose to believe that then whats the point of life. Let me delude myself (consciously or unconsciously) so I can continue reproducing my species. Again a band aid that arose from the problem of being too smart for our own good... Depressing stuff I know but from reading all I've read and being biased towards fact and evidence over faith and belief this is my theory.

        I hope I didn't offend people who are religious just what I've concluded in my time on this topic...
        Last edited by WetSexyLlamaPR; 06-12-2008, 04:18 AM.


          no, it comes down to the problem of free will. because God wants us to be free to choose, we have to be free to choose evil as well as good, therefore God can't step in and rearrange people's lives every time we have a problem
          Much of the bible is filled with threats and retribution for not doing exactly what God says. Hey he murdered the entire population of the planet barring Noah and his chums for not acting in a manner of his choosing. The Bible is full of people getting their asses kicked for not towing the line. Christianity is underwritten by the threat of eternal torture for not joining in. So tell me, how is that free will?

          The Newton story is quite different from what you describe. All his scientific works were done before the age of 27. Why?

          He needed to find out the mass of the earth to prove his gravity-theory, and he had heard that the Giza pyramids were constructed to astonishingly accurate measurements of the earth.
          He went down there to study them. Afterwards he abandoned science and started to write books about God and religion.
          Where do you find this garbage? Newton didn't measure the pyramids! He wrote biblical treatises but he spent his later life as post warden of the Royal Mint.

          being an atheist though, seems to me like being condescending prick philosophy professor who wants to deny everybody else's experiences - ones which he's never had, to play a ****** game about who's the smartest. yeah, i'm dumb, but athesist are just the guys who sit around saying how everything is bull**** and there is no such thing as truth
          Being an atheist is simply a position on the nonexistence of God. Some are louder than others. But while atheists are consistently challenged by threats of annihilation in the hereafter no atheist ever threatened a Christian with "nothing".

          How does Cane move away to a far away land and find a wife???
          I thought there was Adam, Eve, Cane and Abel??

          (Genesis 1:3-5, 14-19) "Let there be light"
          God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from night, on the first day. Yet he didn't make the light producing objects (the sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). And how could there be "the evening and the morning" on the first day if there was no sun to mark them?

          what would u consider evidence to prove God? why would we need faith if we could see and touch God?
          So in your opinion evidence of God would be evidence against God? Can you see how this is unconvincing to the non-believer?

          Anyways with myself i am a devuot Catholic 100 percent believe in God and Jesus. Anyways i know how people point out evils and why kids are allowed to die and what not. My take on it is that it is what God wants. If he wants someones 6 year old daughter to get cancer and die to me that shows he is ready to be with his own creation(his own daughter). I believe when we Die God is calling us into heaven to be with him for eternal life.
          Unbaptized babies are separated from God because of Original Sin according to Catholic dogma. Why would God want to deny His Holy Presence to unbaptized babies by letting them die without being baptized?


            It's Just A Ride....

            I was raised in a deeply religious household who attended church regularly.

            I didn't find much meaning in bible teachings while growing up because I had very little understanding of them during that time.

            During our teen years, my mother, now re-married, did her best to instill the good qualities and benefits of biblical lessons in my sister and I, which went well until I decided I no longer wanted to be identified with any religion.

            I'm grateful to be open minded enough to understand and appreciate that that there is not just one chosen religion or people in our creator's eyes, and have come to the conclusion that the only religion worth being a part of in this life is The Unconditional Love religion.

            It's not really a religion but, I believe, it's the most fulfilling way to live between birth and death.

            No judgment. Just perpetual happiness regardless of appearances and outcomes. After all, for the most part, everyone lives in a constant state of uncertainty and guesses. No one knows it all and we learn something new everyday.

            I mean, what is everyone's life purpose in this world?

            To be born, breathe, eat, sleep, pro-create, then pass on?

            Not everyone finds their true bliss or calling which is a tragedy, since that is what would make people happy and eagerly looking forward to live a meaningful and purposefully fulfilling life 'til the end.

            Has anyone noticed that when you're deeply and intensely involved in a certain activity of interest (like playing), how time seems to fly, but when we're bored and listless time seems to drag slower than a snail?

            That's one the strangest and mysterious paradoxes of life.

            Which reminds me of this clip from a once popular comedian...

            Last edited by MindBat; 06-12-2008, 08:36 AM.


              The bottom line is religion or belief in God is a matter of faith. If you are ******, Christian or ***, there are strict beliefs you must adhere to. There is no middle ground and the words in the Bible, Torah and Quran are simple and plain to understand.

              Most people would have you believe other wise but in reality the teachings of Moses, Jesus or Mohammed are easy to understand but hard to live by and that's why people have such a tough time with these 3 major religions because they are unwilling to live a disciplined life.

              Trying to argue against it is futile, it's like me trying to prove to an alien that has no emotions what love is. I know it exists but I can't prove it no matter what I do.


                The truth in most spiritual teachings is and should be simple to understand and many folks grasp it rather quickly.

                But, there is an enemy within that everyone must do battle with daily and which delights in creating distortion of the truths through the manipulation of our emotions and perceptions.

                The ego is the culprit that everyone must keep in check at all times because it never sleeps and is a master of deception -- making everyone forget about it and believe it doesn't exist.


                  Originally posted by squealpiggy View Post
                  Where do you find this garbage? Newton didn't measure the pyramids! He wrote biblical treatises but he spent his later life as post warden of the Royal Mint.
                  Something tells me you just search wikipedia on things.

                  Sir Isaac Newton and the Great Pyramid
                  Not many people know of an obscure work by the famous Sir Isaac Newton entitled:

                  "A Dissertation upon the Sacred Cubit of the ***s and the Cubits of several Nations: in which, from the Dimensions of the Greatest Pyramid, as taken by Mr. John Greaves, the ancient Cubit of Memphis is determined".

                  Newton had an obsession of establishing the value of the "cubit" of the ancient Egyptians. This was no mere curiosity. His Theory of Gravitation was dependent on an accurate knowledge of the circumference of the earth. The only figures he currently had were the inaccurate calculations of Eratosthenes and his followers. With these figures his theory did not work out.

                  Newton felt that if he could find the exact length of the Egyptian "cubit", this would allow him to find the exact length of their "stadium", reputed by others to bear a relation to a "geographical degree". This measurement, which he needed for his theory of gravitation, he believed to be somehow enshrined in the proportions of the Great Pyramid. Thus, he would have the necessary measurements for his Theory of Gravitation.

                  He used the measurements of the base of the pyramid arrived by Greaves and Burattini in his calculations. Since there was much accumulated debris at the base of the pyramid, there figures were inaccurate. Thus the false measurements of the base failed to give Newton the answer he was looking for.

                  Newton did not work on his Theory of Gravitation for the next several years. In 1671, a French astronomer, Jean Picard, accurately measured a degree of latitude to be 69.1 English statute miles. Using these figures, Newton was able to announce his theory of gravitation. It is that all bodies in the universe attract each other in proportion to the product of their mass and inversely proportional to the square of their distance apart.

                  The pyramids measurements were forgotten for the time being. In the 1800's there was a revival in looking for astronomical and geophysical values enshrined in the Great Pyramid of Giza.

                  "Among those intrigued by the incredible accuracy of the Pyramid's construction was the great scientist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton. Attemping to formulate his famous law of gravity, Newton needed to know the diameter of the Earth. However, in the 1600's no measurement was accurate enough, especially since Newton theorized that the Earth's spin would cause an equatorial bulge. Having heard legends claiming that knowledge of the Earth, the past, and the future were contained in the Pyramid, Newton set out to investigate.

                  After studying the detailed measurements made by the investigators before him, Newton recognized that many key measurements would be in round numbers if the standard unit of measure was just 0.001 (1/1,000) inch larger than the British inch-which just happens to be the Sacred ***ish Inch. (The Sacred ***ish Inch, 1/25 of a cubit, equals 1.00106 British inches.) This discovery allowed the secrets of the Pyramid to be unlocked and revealed unmistakable and mathematical relationships. For instance:

                  We know from geometry that there is a universal relationship between the diameter of a circle and its circumference. Consider this: The height of the Pyramid's apex is 5,812.98 inches, and each side is 9,131 inches from corner to corner (in a straight line). If the circumference of the Pyramid is divided by twice its height (the diameter of a circle is twice the radius), the result is 3.14159, which just happens to be pi. Incredibly, this calculation is accurate to six digits. So the Pyramid is a square circle, and thus pi was designed into it 4,600 years ago. Pi is demonstrated many times throughout the Pyramid.

                  Other numbers are also repeated throughout. Each of the Pyramids four walls, when measured as a straight line, are 9,131 inches, for a total of 36,524 inches. At first glance, this number may not seem significant, but move the decimal point over and you get 365.24. Modern science has shown us that the exact length of the solar year is 365.24 days.
                  All of the evidence in the Great Pyramid shows that 4,600 years ago somebody knew a great deal about the Earth. But it gets better, much better:
                  The average height of land above sea level (Miami being low and the Himalayas being high), as can be measured only by modern-day satellites and computers, happens to be 5,449 inches. That is the exact height of the Pyramid.

                  All four sides of the Pyramid are very slightly and evenly bowed in, or concave. This effect, which cannot be detected by looking at the Pyramid from the ground, was discovered around 1940 by a pilot taking aerial photos to check certain measurements. As measured by today's laser instruments, all of these perfectly cut and intentionally bowed stone blocks duplicate exactly the curvature of the earth. The radius of this bow is equal to the radius of the Earth. This radius of curvature is what Newton had long been seeking."

                  Although it has to be said that this "pyramid inch" is facing dispute because in modern times scientists have been unable to make such accurate measurements of the pyramid as Newton and fellow scientists of that time claimed to make.


                    I've also read of the myriad contradictions in the 'Good Book' about a vengeful God who kills and orders the killing of his own creations but is, in fact, a God of unconditional love. (Huh?) -- which many religious folk simply brush off with an answer such as "God works in mysterious ways" or some other unexplainable reason.

                    The other issue I can't quite seem to "get" is -- if the creator loves all of his creations and calls them good, why does he allow children, adults, and animals to die in tragic ways as opposed to only through simple, natural, and uneventful ways?

                    It's a lengthy topic that tends to grow out of proportion on many forums.


                      Originally posted by texanballer View Post
                      Anyways with myself i am a devuot Catholic 100 percent believe in God and Jesus. Anyways i know how people point out evils and why kids are allowed to die and what not. My take on it is that it is what God wants. If he wants someones 6 year old daughter to get cancer and die to me that shows he is ready to be with his own creation(his own daughter). I believe when we Die God is calling us into heaven to be with him for eternal life. When your on earth he is not ready to take you in, its not your time, it all depends on when he wants you. But thats just what i believe.

                      Anyways i dont mean to offend anyone, but if i do im sorry. I always thought Atheist were ignorant people. Take it what ever way you see this but like i said its not intended to offend anyone. I am not trying to convert anyone to catholicism or even christianity but there is Islan Buddhism, *******, etc i am sure there is someone out there for everyone to believe in.

                      Believing in God imo helps give you strength. When your about to fight praying for a win helps ease tense and when you win you know it was a gift frmo God, and when you lose, it isnt God slapping you in the face, it shows you need to prepare even better if you want to win.

                      I just think God helps you get through certain situations, i mean **** when your in a war and theres bullets flying you Pray to God you dont get shot in fear, and when your not a believer your just going in alone with nothing to help you, just you yourself

                      anyways thats my take on some **** that was talked about, like i said i dont intend to offend anyone
                      Let me ask you this;

                      Jesus has the same characteristics as many other sun-gods. (Jesus is the son of god- or sun of god)
                      He shares the birth cycle with many earlier versions of sun-gods, shares the crucifixion and resurrection after three days with many earlier versions of sun-gods.
                      Shares alot of the same miracles too.

                      In fact, the "christian" symbol of the cross is not christian at all. It is nothing more than a pagan symbol of the zodiac.
                      Many churches have the cross inside a circle. The sign of the Zodiac.
                      Which is a map of the movements of the Sun. Or "son". Jesus.

                      Jesus shares the same attributes as many earlier sun-gods throughout history. Those gods were nothing more than personifications of the Sun.
                      Unless they were actually real Gods of course.

                      Logic says they were not real Gods, agree?
                      Then why would Jesus, who shares the same attributes, be any more real?

                      The ten commandments are lifted straight out of the Egyptian book "The Book of the Dead". Note that in egyptian mythology they worshipped the sun-god, Amen-Ra.

                      When you pray, you finish with "Amen", right?
                      Well, hey...

                      You worship the sun-god Amen-Ra then, because that's where "Amen" comes from.

                      See, going by simple logic, it is impossible to accept Jesus and Christianity as the truth.

