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The Perfect Fight Night

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    Originally posted by G-dub
    We could add overtraining! You put everything in training and have nothing left for the fight.
    That sounds good, they could add overall 'exhaustion' to a fighters life.


      how about when you get like 38 you lose a dramatic amount of skill, or if you havent fought in a while or retired and came back.


        Between All Of Us Posting In This Part Of The Forum We Could Make A Holy Hot Game/games...i Just Wish We Could Get A Games Company To Take In Our Ideas...mmmmmmmm I Think We Would Be Able To Get It Sorted, With A Bit Of Time Lol...


          maybe somebody here that knows how to use a game engine could make it?


            Originally posted by NextRocky
            maybe somebody here that knows how to use a game engine could make it?
            I doubt anybody has the cash for that.


              Although im a very good player(with a top notch online record) but i still think that parrying is lame and gay. i mean who in real boxing parries like crazY? and why the #### does it leave you vulnerable for 5-6 secs once someone parries your punch? k if u could counter me with a single punch by parrying my shot then thats fine(much closer to reality) but come on 5-6 punches? thats simply lame.... If any of guyz play with top players online than you will know how those bitches normally play . all they do is parry parry and parry and run all the time. I beat these so-called top players 99.9% times but still its annoying to fight these guyz and fights are extremly boring most of teh time.

              So in FN4 they should remove parrying completly or only let u throw a single punch once u parry someone. This is much closer to reality imo. They should also put a limit on how many impact punches you can throw per round or make them drain lot more stamina. There are alot of noobs that throw impact punches all teh time but they are EXTREMLY skillless so if ur any good at this game then you will surely beat them. best way to beat em is by avoiding their haymakers and then hit them like a train or just keep that jab in their face and keep hitting them on the body/head. but still these guyz can be fairly annoying for a new/unexperienced player whos looking to play fairly.



                The haymakers didnt make much of a difference to me. I never needed them.
                Maybe id throw one to the body sometimes.

                But i agree about the parrying. ****ing annoying.


                  I came up with these styles a long time ago when designing a game

                  1.Boxer puncher bounce

                  A little more square then a basic stance with good up and down feet movement.

                  Extra movement makes for a tougher target
                  Square stance gives more power and speed to power hand
                  Faster combos

                  A bit slower going backwards
                  Bounce uses more stanima
                  A more square stance hurts defense of straight punches

                  2.Boxer puncher w/o bounce
                  More square then a basic stance. Orthoxdox enough to box but squae enough to slug however you want.

                  Square stance gives more power, and speed to power or off hand
                  Faster combos
                  A bit slower going backwards
                  square stance hurts defense of straight punches

                  3.Square predator boxer w/o bounce (MAB)
                  Square stance gives more power and speed to off hand. Features a somewhatlower and outcorcked lead hand that gives speed and power to lead hand powershots.
                  Gives lead hand more power and speed to powershots
                  Gives a slight advantage to sliping because chin is tucked and stance is lower.
                  Makes overhand right quicker
                  Faster combos
                  Inside punching bonuses

                  Creates a slower angle for jab
                  Harder to block out of this stance
                  Extra movement can tax stamina more.
                  Slower retreat

                  4.Square predator boxer bounce
                  Similar to Square predator but with bounce

                  Gives lead hand more power and speed to powershots
                  Gives a slight advantage to sliping because chin is tucked and stance is lower.
                  Makes overhand right quicker
                  Tougher target makes with bouncing
                  Faster combos

                  Creates a slower angle for jab
                  Harder to block out of this stance
                  Extra movement can tax stamina more.
                  Slower retreat
                  Bouncing taxes stamina

                  5.Square pure boxer w/o bounce (Too sharp N Sweat Pea)
                  An orthodox stance with feet set more like a boxers, but with gloves and waist square like a boxer puncher

                  Give a bit more power and speed to strong hand
                  Faster retreat then boxer puncher
                  A little better angles for slipping then boxer puncher
                  Faster combos
                  Harder to land right hands
                  Being more square up top hurts defense of straight punches
                  Difficult style to perfect and suffers balance and style points penalties
                  Open stance hurts power some

                  6.Pure boxer strong hand sitter (Marciano) even though he would also use slugger styles

                  Similar to square/pureboxer however this is more deliberate. This style is used by pure boxers who tend to have more in there off hand then their lead. The off hand is ****ed up and in position to throw hard and fast.

                  More power and speed to strong hand
                  Faster retreat then boxer puncher
                  A little better angles for slipping then boxer puncher
                  Harder to land right hands
                  Good vision rolls with punches

                  Open stance hurts power some
                  Offensive right hand leaves openings for opponents left
                  Right hand comes a little telegraphed

                  7.Low guard Martial Arts influence (Whitter Hamed)
                  Often used by former martial artist or kickboxers. Uses a lot of martial arts foot work. Believes they are so quick with their footwork their guard is lowered

                  Lower guard improves vision and slipping
                  Lower guard rest arms
                  Retreats well
                  Creates unusual angels for counters
                  Charisma boost for fans
                  Faster combos
                  Clinch bonus

                  Kinda weak inside
                  Blocks can be late
                  Can get flashed knockdown as footwork get eratic
                  Punches can get wild and lose accuracy lunge in.
                  Suffers style and balance points penalties

                  8.cutie boxer (James Tony)

                  Similar to pure boxer but more square. The more square stance is made up for by passive footwork and a lower more ready to slip stance. Often used to set up counters and showboat as your opponent misses and you land.
                  Rolls with punches easyer
                  A bit more power and speed to strong hand
                  Faster retreat then boxer puncher
                  Good angles for slipping then boxer puncher
                  Style point and balance hit
                  A bit harder to block punches
                  Strong or off hand is a tad slower

                  9.low guard defensive
                  Guard is lowered and to make up for lowered guard an added croutch and defesive posture is used.

                  Arms are saved
                  slipping bonuses
                  faster combos
                  good vision rolls with punch
                  retreats faster

                  Harder to block
                  First punch in combo can be telegraphed
                  Weak inside
                  Last edited by Jarlaxle; 04-04-2006, 11:14 AM.


                    10.low guard cutie
                    Guard is low but other advantages like high shoulders rolling with punches are used to make boxer less defisive.

                    Saves arms
                    Rolls real well with punches
                    Strong slipping bonuses
                    Partial blocks with shoulders
                    Retreats well
                    Pleases crowd

                    Intentinal blocks can be late
                    Somewhat weak inside
                    Focus and style points penalties
                    Shoulder blocking can expose ribs and hurt shoulders

                    Open stance with gloves ****ed to fire near the chin. Footwork is focused more offensive

                    Powerpunch bonus in speed and power
                    Clinch bonus
                    Style points boost
                    Defends chin and the very big shots well
                    Inside punching bonus

                    Does not cover top of face well can cause cuts
                    Can lose control on powershots and lunge causeing acseedntal headbutts
                    slower going back and laterally
                    Square stance make rolling punches tougher

                    12. Philly w/o bounce

                    Lead hand is lowered while off hand is ****ed. Block better then low guard but this style trys to defend with strong offence.

                    Lead arm gets plenty rest
                    Off glove is ****ed somewhat with a faster path to land
                    Good vision and rolling with punches

                    Off hands are harder to block
                    Lead hands are a bit harder to block
                    Lead hand loses some accuracy
                    A bit slower going backwards

                    13.Philly w shoulders (PBFM)
                    A more defensive version of the Philly style with use of shoulders to block more foot movement and fluididty

                    Lead arm gets plenty rest
                    Off glove is ****ed somewhat with a faster path to land
                    Good vision and rolling with punches
                    More natural blocking with shoulders
                    More rolling with punches
                    Faster Combos

                    Off hands are a little harder to block
                    Lead hands are a bit harder to block
                    Lead hand loses some accuracy
                    A bit slower going backwards
                    Power penalty

                    14.Pure boxer

                    Those that use this style have an angled stance with the back foot further back.

                    Sees punches well
                    Blocks punches well
                    Lead hand speed and reach advantage

                    Off hand is slower with less power
                    Slower going forward
                    Style penalty
                    A bit delibrite in footwork

                    15.Philly with bounce
                    Similar to Philly but uses more movement to be a tougher target.

                    Lead arm gets plenty rest
                    Off glove is ****ed somewhat with a faster path to land
                    Good vision and rolling with punches
                    Bounce makes boxer a tougher target

                    Off hands are harder to block
                    Lead hands are a bit harder to block
                    Lead hand loses some accuracy
                    A bit slower going backwards
                    Bounce causes a tax on stamina

                    16.Martial Art influence
                    Even more rare then low guard martial arts influence. It’s a hard to gauge mixture of all styles

                    Deflected punches are deflected far
                    Bonus in all punches
                    Bonus in all clinches

                    Wild punches can be countered
                    Low blows are more common and other fauls
                    Lunging with clash of heads
                    Bonus and style penalty

                    17.Upright cutie w/o bounce
                    This a more upright style that allows for more vision and reach at the sacrafise for exposing more chin.

                    Rolls with punches better then pure cutie
                    A bit more power and speed to strong hand
                    Faster retreat then boxer puncher
                    Good angles for slipping then boxer puncher
                    Reach advantage
                    Style point and balance hit
                    A bit harder to block punches
                    Strong or off hand is a tad slower
                    Upright style exposes chin and can make getting caught with a good shot a great shot

                    18.Upright cutie
                    Rolls with punches better then pure cutie
                    A bit more power and speed to strong hand
                    Faster retreat then boxer puncher
                    Good angles for slipping then boxer puncher
                    Reach advantage
                    Bounce makes it tougher to hit
                    Style point and balance hit
                    A bit harder to block punches
                    Strong or off hand is a tad slower
                    Upright style exposes chin and can make getting caught with a good shot a great shot
                    Bounce taxes stamina
                    Can be a tad weak inside

                    19.Pic a boo (Winky Wright)
                    A ametuirsh style that keeps up a natural block for head shots at all times when using this style. Used at time when you want to punch out your opponent

                    Blocks most punches very well lefthooks and overhand rights can land but not too hard

                    Arms take a beating and that hurts locational stamina
                    Punches come out of guard and are slower
                    Poor vision hurts slipping and rolling

                    20.Predator low guard (Hamed)

                    A style often used late in a fight when a boxer wants to save his arms for the final assaults

                    Slight lunging punch bonus
                    Low guard pleases crouwd
                    Charisma boost
                    Gives a slight advantage to slipping because chin is tucked and stance is lower.
                    Faster combos
                    Inside punching bonuses

                    Creates a slower angle for jab
                    Much harder to block out of this stance
                    Extra movement can tax stamina more.
                    Slower retreat
                    Can be wild and lunge
                    Loses a little acuracy

                    21.Euro influence (Tszyu)
                    A style that originated over seas in which the hands are held out further out to gain a speed and reach advantage.

                    Speed bonus to jab and straight right
                    Easier to clinch
                    Blocked punches are deflected far

                    Lunging punch penalty
                    Natural blocking penalty
                    Harder to block body shots
                    Minor lateral movement penalty

                    22.Rhythm defense (RJJ)
                    An ambiguous stance that can gain Pros and Cons of above styles that uses a rocking movement back and forth making it easier to combo, lunge and retreat

                    Lunge bonus
                    Powershot bonus
                    Combo speed bonus
                    Retreat faster

                    Some guard dropping making it tougher to block
                    Style points penalty
                    Single punch or first punch in combo suffers power penalty
                    Combines other styles and suffers other penalties

                    23.Low weave slugger (

                    A style often used by shorter boxers in which boxers maintains a low stance and gloves held like a slugger. Trys to weave out of the croutch and come under opponent

                    Uppercut bonus
                    Slipping Bonus
                    Powerpunch bonus in speed and power
                    Clinch bonus
                    Defends big shots well
                    General power shot bonus
                    low blows
                    suseptable to uppercuts
                    Does not cover top of face well can cause cuts
                    Can lose control on powershots and lunge causeing acseedntal headbutts
                    slower going laterally


                      I like alot what you have written,but Pernell"Sweet Pea" Whitticker,Meldrick Taylor and most Philly boxers fought at an angle with thier shoulder in the front(true philly shell)

