Right hand should be on your right side. Otherwise left hook will land all day.
When you jab your hand comes down low. Just take a step back the jab misses comes back low and boom right hand lands.
When jabbing to the body your right elbow comes up again very easy to land a flush left hook then.
You need to plant your feet to land the left hook. Way you throw it you slap down with it it should be 90 degrees not starting high and coming down.
Twist into the right uppercut and it will never land that up close to you that its near your chin. Need to use it to time your opponent coming in.
When you jab it comes out too far from your chin when you stretch out your jab your shoulder should come across and block your chin.
You are never going to land 4 uppercuts to the body in a row like that. They are arm punches and have no power in them and aimed at completely the wrong area.
Right hand same as the jab comes out to far you need to throw it so it protects your face and is still in contact with it otherwise it will take to long to land.
Why did you lean right and throw a left hook? ****** shot to throw for so many reasons.
You need to twist into your right hand too its just an arm punch and a lot slower than it should be.
The 'right hook' is a punch you should not be throwing for someone on your level. Wait until you maser the basics.
You aim the left hook way to low.
LOL. Don't try and use a philly shell defence. Please.
Why you making circles with your hand? The people that use that effectively use there hand outstretched at least.
Good luck.
When you jab your hand comes down low. Just take a step back the jab misses comes back low and boom right hand lands.
When jabbing to the body your right elbow comes up again very easy to land a flush left hook then.
You need to plant your feet to land the left hook. Way you throw it you slap down with it it should be 90 degrees not starting high and coming down.
Twist into the right uppercut and it will never land that up close to you that its near your chin. Need to use it to time your opponent coming in.
When you jab it comes out too far from your chin when you stretch out your jab your shoulder should come across and block your chin.
You are never going to land 4 uppercuts to the body in a row like that. They are arm punches and have no power in them and aimed at completely the wrong area.
Right hand same as the jab comes out to far you need to throw it so it protects your face and is still in contact with it otherwise it will take to long to land.
Why did you lean right and throw a left hook? ****** shot to throw for so many reasons.
You need to twist into your right hand too its just an arm punch and a lot slower than it should be.
The 'right hook' is a punch you should not be throwing for someone on your level. Wait until you maser the basics.
You aim the left hook way to low.
LOL. Don't try and use a philly shell defence. Please.
Why you making circles with your hand? The people that use that effectively use there hand outstretched at least.
Good luck.