Originally posted by ironmike2012
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Let me make it simple for you: Mike Tython the eternal victim has
-Attempted murder on elderly women(KO'ing them to rob their purses when he was a street punk)
-Indicated before that he has beaten people on the street so severely that they were permanently damaged.
-Cheated on every woman he has ever dated.
-Severely beat his wives while he was HW champ/one of the hardest punchers ever.
-***ually assaulted an 11 year old girl when he was the size of a grown man.
-****d a woman and still denies it.
-Possibly ****d inmates in prison but I got no proof of that.
-Spat out his mouthpiece and bit off flesh from an opponent because he was losing.
This is all known and he still said once that although he's "innocent" of the **** conviction, he deserved to go to prison because of the horrible things he has done in his life.
Compare that to Floyd Mayweather who as far as I know has smacked his ex-wife around with his brittle hands and lack of punching power, and said racist things about asians.
So no, they are not the same. Not even remotely close. One is a douche who hit his woman, the other is a vile felon who has committed every serious crime except for murder(although he attempted it on the elderly women he beat and robbed, who knows if some of them died.).