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Are Wilder fans shook of Dillion Whyte?

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    Originally posted by lparm View Post
    Whyte has his left hook back after his near career ending shoulder injury.

    Huge huge difference in the #1 contender right now.

    Wilder wouldn't recover if Whyte buzzed him like Ortiz did.
    I concur, Ortiz was done after the round he spent everything he had hurting Wilder. Whyte in his present career best shape if he tagged Wilder he wouldn’t see the fight out. I would however expect Wilder to fight safe like he did vs Stiverne 1 taking very few openings but sleeping Whyte in 5-6 rounds maybe.

    A peak Ortiz is better than a peak Whyte only Ortiz hadn’t the stamina, conditioning and fitness to see the fight through, for me the punching and sharpness of Whyte was the best I’ve seen his entire career, he’s certainly better conditioned than he was and certainly fitter than the Ortiz we saw earlier his month.

    It remains to be seen if Whyte is a 12 round fighter, Ortiz at his current age PEDless isn’t even a ten round fighter on the evidence we saw.


      Originally posted by _Rexy_ View Post
      I'm not a fanboy, And I agree that Whyte has made improvements, but I don't see him faring well against a healthy, 225lb Wilder. I knew that Whyte would win too, but I also didn't expect Browne to look so awful. I think that if Tyson Fury fought last night, he would have been in better shape than Browne was.

      as for if Whyte deserves a title shot, he's the mandatory so obviously he does. We just want Aj vs Wilder first, tired of waiting for a heavyweight superfight and don't want to see mandatories lol
      Whyte is NOT stopping the AJ/Wilder from happening, only Parker and Wilder can stop that. So why another fighter trying to make a name for himself gets attacked is baffling to me. Doesn’t matter if fans mention his name, everything would be sorted out soon. Thing don’t have to move when Wilder is ready to move, he stood still for 8/9 years while others were doing work in the division, he only started speaking when others have left, retired or made a name for themselves.


        Originally posted by _Rexy_ View Post
        I'm not a fanboy, And I agree that Whyte has made improvements, but I don't see him faring well against a healthy, 225lb Wilder. I knew that Whyte would win too, but I also didn't expect Browne to look so awful. I think that if Tyson Fury fought last night, he would have been in better shape than Browne was.

        as for if Whyte deserves a title shot, he's the mandatory so obviously he does. We just want Aj vs Wilder first, tired of waiting for a heavyweight superfight and don't want to see mandatories lol
        I never said you were mate, I said any one saying Whyte doesn't deserve a shot is bias or a fanboy.... it's fine if you want the AJ/Wilder fight first, no problem, and I agree...... but as a fan of Whyte, I can't ignore the WBC silver around his waist, and #1 status, and the shot he deserves.

        All I'm saying is this - IF the AJ fight doesn't happen next, and I believe that is a massive possibility due to Parker having a chance of winning, or even the fight ending due to a cut or a draw etc etc then surely the next best opponent and biggest fight for Wilder would be WHyte? surely?

        I think that Wilder's team should be at least negotiating the Whyte fight to cover themselves if they don't get AJ next, I believe that is reasonable and what a legit champion should be doing..... I know AJ has about 3 opponents lined up if he beats Parker.


          Originally posted by ashadam View Post
          Whyte is a Hearn Fighter and the No1 WBC contender there is no way possible Hearn would let Wilder near Joshua without giving his other fighter Whyte his rightful chance.

          The fanboy stuff is great but you have to be logical about these things we are talking about peoples careers. Hearn represents both men and both are earning him money.

          If i was Wilder I would not even do the Sky Commentating it is surely I setup to let Whyte embarrass him.
          Ok being logical - which fight is more desirable for the fans? Wilder vs Whyte or Wilder vs Joshua? Which fights generates more hype and which generates more money?

          We both know Joshua vs Wilder is the bigger fight. Hearn could have something in place to gurantee that Whyte fights the winner


            Originally posted by LetOutTheCage View Post
            Ok being logical - which fight is more desirable for the fans? Wilder vs Whyte or Wilder vs Joshua? Which fights generates more hype and which generates more money?

            We both know Joshua vs Wilder is the bigger fight. Hearn could have something in place to gurantee that Whyte fights the winner
            Wilder vs Whyte would generate good money the winner from that would fight AJ next year which both would be a major fight would fill any stadium in the UK. Also remember Whyte has his own career why should he stand aside for anyone.

            The fact is Joshua is not available this year for Wilder so who will he fight, what bigger fight is out there?


              Originally posted by juggernaut666 View Post
              Apparently nobody knew who Wilder was ( his made up fan club ) until Joshua came on the scene with the Martin win .

              Joshua got more noteriety in his pro DEBUT at the O2 arena than Wilder did in his first title fight vs Stiverne ,think about that .

              More fans talked about Whytes 2015 fight with Joshua than ANY Wilder fight prior to Ortiz ,

              The clown IS ranked number ONE in Wilders WBC , dont you see what fools you sound like belittling his OWN competition ? lol

              You guys are shook ,personally Wilder shouldn't fight Whyte bc its a close to even fight in different ways than Ortiz is . You guys want the Joshua fight bc you dont trust Wilder holding his 0 losses for another fight or two , we all know this .

              SHOOK !

              Child please Whyte beat a tomato can. Did you see the fight before that? Nobody is scared of Whyte. Wilder has been trying to fight Joshua for 18 months now. Whyte has to wait his turn. He can get his shot after.


                Originally posted by Ray* View Post
                It’s ridiculous to suggest Whyte doesn’t deserve his chance at the WBC belt, I couldn’t careless if the holder is wilder to be honest, funny how Whyte is a “bum” or protecting Joshua.

                The man fought to get himself to this point, I don’t even think Wilder did anything close to what Whyte has done in getting the chance to fight as the mandatory challenger.

                Whyte is not there to do Wilder any favours, Whyte himself want the AJ rematch and beating Wilder would enhance that rematch. So more power to him, for selfish reasons we would all want that belt in one place but I personally couldn’t care Whyte stops that from happening.
                Well said mate. I just like to point out bias when I see it.

                You can't discredit what Whyte has done the last 2 years since the AJ loss, he has turned it all around and is a legit challenger.... Wilder is certainly not in a position to criticise Whyte and say he doesn't deserve a shot after his record.


                  Wilder knocks him out comfortably.


                    I don't think Whyte registers to most Wilder fans. I don't think a lot of US fans, Wilder fan or nah, in general get this Whyte thing. I certainly don't. He's got solid enough HW written all over him. He's gonna beat all the guys he's supposed to & lose to all the guys he's supposed to kinda guy. I'd like to see him more proven before he gets any big fight with Joshua or Wilder. I think him vs Big Baby would be a nice matchup.


                      It would boost interest into Joshua Wilder as would Wilder confronting Joshua in the ring post Parker. So if anyone shows evidence of being shook it is Joshua with the Wilder fight looming.

