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Are Wilder fans shook of Dillion Whyte?

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    Whyte is a good talker but he’s no threat. Wilder has bigger fish to fry. And what has Whyte really done to jump the line? This time last year nobody knew who this dude was. Wilder shouldn’t have to put his goals on hold for this clown.


      Originally posted by Ray* View Post
      Only Parker and Wilder can mess up the AJ fight now. Whyte is the number 1 guy at WBC but the organisation still need to mandate the fight. But am sure if AJ wins against Parker and him and Wilder comes to an agreement then the organisation would let that fight happen before they mandate any other fight. So I also don’t get some of these Wilder fans that foam at the mouth in regards to Whyte, fighting and beating Whyte would probably be the 3rd better name on his 40 odd fight record.
      I think Aside from Ortiz it would be Wilders best opponent. Stiverne never had a performance like Whyte had yesterday night


        AJ fans all they do is put another barrier in front of the Wilder fight. The money is not right, he has to face Whyte, he don't deserve it, etc.

        AJ is not fighting Wilder next so might as well do that easy UK money.

        If Wilder would had fought Browne they would had discredited that fight right away


          Originally posted by dan_cov View Post
          Nobody is shook of Whyte.
          Not AJ, not Wilder, not Povetkin, not Parker, not Ortiz, nobody.

          He's easy work for all the top HWs.
          He just brings nothing to the table.
          What did Washington, Arreola, Molina, Duhaupas etc etc bring to the table?

          At least Whyte brings a massive payday for Wilder plus it would be a fun fight.


            Originally posted by Bashhh View Post
            so you shook? why wouldnt you want your boy to ko a bum easily for a best career pay day before fignting joshou?
            because I'm not his ****ing financial planner. I'm a boxing fan who wants to see the best fight possible.


              Originally posted by _Rexy_ View Post
              because I'm not his ****ing financial planner. I'm a boxing fan who wants to see the best fight possible.
              Mate do you think people go in a ring and risk there lifes for fun start being realistic no one works for nothing if they have the choice.


                Originally posted by ashadam View Post
                Mate do you think people go in a ring and risk there lifes for fun start being realistic no one works for nothing if they have the choice.
                yeah, you're right. I was expecting him to fight AJ for free...


                  Wilder fans finding EXCUSES for Deontay to DUCK Whyte! Disgusting fangirls, all EXCUSES!


                    Originally posted by Scopedog View Post
                    Whyte has been a nuisance more than anything. Before now he's kept angling for title shots that he's arguably done nothing to deserve. Honestly you could even argue that he's kind of a manufactured entity - before he was angled as a Joshua opponent with that old amateur footage, nobody had ever heard of him. I'd say he owes more or less all the recognition he's got so far to Joshua in some way or another.

                    Ever since the Joshua fight, where he acquitted himself quite well, to be fair, he's kind of been in a limbo where he's obviously above the bum level but not at the same level as the actual legit top fighters at HW. That said, that performance against Browne was good enough that it might just put him at the lower end of that top level now. If Hearn's successful in his campaign to have AJ duck Wilder, Wilder v Whyte is a fight I could just about stomach in the meantime, even if as a contest it's a foregone conclusion if you ask me.
                    you might be making a mistake to write off whyte just like time. he could be the missing piece in the division.
                    Wilder /whyte is a fair match up. he worked his way to a No 1 mandatory for WBC. give him some respect


                      I changed my mind, I would prefer to see Joshua vs Wilder next. The Brown fight didnt tell me anything I didnt already know about Whyte.

