Compare Kovalev to Pavlik & Froch? During the build up to Bhop i routinely read Kovalev was just another Pavlik! Now Ward is happening i keep reading he's not even as good as Froch! Froch has been routinely out-boxed (I can only imagine what Kovalev would do to the likes of Taylor, Dirrell, Kessler, Groves, Magee.. All men who have made Carl earn his pay!) & is as flat footed as they come! Even ponder-some! Ward beat Froch at 168 half a decade ago! You think this is going to be a replica? What are you on? LOL
Pavlik got torn up by Martinez & Bhop & was about as disciplined a human being as Fury & Cooney! If Kovalev is anything he is a bigger/better punching & stronger chinned Sergio Martinez! Don't get me wrong, no shame in being compared to Froch & Martinez (great champions) but they are ID fighters & neither have the skill-set or natural assets of Kovalev!
I mean do some of you people even know that Dale Westerman bashed Froch around? I love Carl but he's not s good as Kovalev. He has immense heart & a champions will to win but he's Ricky Hatton with a nose job! You are comparing him because he's white! Admit it some of you? You kid yourselves into thinking that Kovalev plays & fits into your long held stiff/upright euro type fighter cliche (some of you people need to drop these long held stereo-types because Lomachenko, Kovalev, Usyk, Calzaghe, Pirog & even Gololvkin have far more to there game! You'll see...AGAIN! )
Combine Tszyu & Martinez & you get Kovalev! You don't get Froch or Pavlik!
Pavlik got torn up by Martinez & Bhop & was about as disciplined a human being as Fury & Cooney! If Kovalev is anything he is a bigger/better punching & stronger chinned Sergio Martinez! Don't get me wrong, no shame in being compared to Froch & Martinez (great champions) but they are ID fighters & neither have the skill-set or natural assets of Kovalev!
I mean do some of you people even know that Dale Westerman bashed Froch around? I love Carl but he's not s good as Kovalev. He has immense heart & a champions will to win but he's Ricky Hatton with a nose job! You are comparing him because he's white! Admit it some of you? You kid yourselves into thinking that Kovalev plays & fits into your long held stiff/upright euro type fighter cliche (some of you people need to drop these long held stereo-types because Lomachenko, Kovalev, Usyk, Calzaghe, Pirog & even Gololvkin have far more to there game! You'll see...AGAIN! )
Combine Tszyu & Martinez & you get Kovalev! You don't get Froch or Pavlik!