wow! you seem so delighted to announce your lustful conquest in manila! i wonder what your daughter(?) think of this...
anyway, makati should be alright with you gone...
next time you get back to the philippines, i suggest you visit mandaluyong as well...
it will do you a lot good...
Thanks for the advice. Next time I will go to Cebu! My daughter loves her daddy! My daughter adopted 3 kids off the street. I cover the expense, but it is not much. What are my filAm brothers doing????
All you have to offer is name calling and empty rhetoric because the facts don't support your position.
The IV was administered by the responding paramedic. When you call for an ambulance, they don't send a doctor.
The USADA officer witnessed everything.
You're dreaming up conspiracy theories in your head that have no basis in fact.
what you did not make clear is who decided and authorized the iv dripping at floyd's home...and can you provide any supporting documentary that covers the iv procedure?
Naah it's coz as I have stated you have a comprehension disorder. I've said facts you can never see even if its staring at your dense face. As I stated you are a sheep. You won't get it even if our life depended on it. Your brain is too small to get it. Trust me.
Carry on.
I'd like to present your post history to a clinical psychologist to see what they make of it. Maybe we could get you some help.
Thanks for the advice. Next time I will go to Cebu! My daughter loves her daddy! My daughter adopted 3 kids off the street. I cover the expense, but it is not much. What are my filAm brothers doing????
They are worried about an IV!
some filams do charity work silently, some publicly...
cebu is let us keep it that way...don't go there until you have been in mandaluyong....
I'll get right on that...wait i don't care lol. It's almost a certainty that pac used peds. You need to embrace that and stop trying to deflect the heat onto someone else. I know how fond you ******s are of the word deflect.
Boom! Checkmate.
Just as I expected all bark lol Up to this no flowtard has any factual evidence to prove their theory on Pac.. All incoherent noise.
Floyd has tons of smoking gun by the way.
Floyd the man who once wants to clean up the sport loves sticking IV bags.
You can't resist bumping this can you? Sounds like you're the one crying. Lol @ suggesting you've ever been part of an intellectual debate. There's the same amount of concrete evidence that either pac or floyd has used peds...none. i just enjoy antagonizing simpletons like you is all. To actually attempt to discuss anything with you is a complete waste of time.