The True Pacquaio
Pacquaio a true Christian?,
“ I shelt not lie ” (to thy self) (other) or (bear false
witness against your neighbor) “Pre-Fight Medical Questionnaire,” a form that
Pacquaio filled out the day before the Mayweather fight. Checked no injury?, Shoulder injury due to sparring? Shoulder injury in round 4,?
Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Pacquaio, “ God will deliver Mayweather in my hands”.
Taking the Lord’s name in vain, this injunction takes aim at a deed of wrongful speech—speech that is, in fact, vain, light in weight and empty of truth. To speak falsely is to pervert the power of reasoned speech and to insult the divine original,

“ I shelt not lie ” (to thy self) (other) or (bear false
witness against your neighbor) “Pre-Fight Medical Questionnaire,” a form that
Pacquaio filled out the day before the Mayweather fight. Checked no injury?, Shoulder injury due to sparring? Shoulder injury in round 4,?
Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Pacquaio, “ God will deliver Mayweather in my hands”.
Taking the Lord’s name in vain, this injunction takes aim at a deed of wrongful speech—speech that is, in fact, vain, light in weight and empty of truth. To speak falsely is to pervert the power of reasoned speech and to insult the divine original,