I think Jr. going to change up his style knowing Roach is studying all his previous bouts. He might try to surprise Pac and team by coming out more aggressive than usual, thus his training is geared for my volume, sitting down harder on shots, and possibly trading more.
You got to figure, Pac is always talked about like the big puncher/power puncher in most of his fight yet he hasn't scored a stoppage since 2009 and that was the ref jumping in or even Oscar retiring on the stool. Hatton was his last true power shot KO and that was at 140lbs...
Perhaps Jr. has finally come to realize, Pac's power isn't all what it's made out to be at 147lbs and he's willing to take a few more chances to show he's the stronger guy on the night kind of like when Marquez out powered Pac in their 4th fight.
This would prove a lot to the naysayers on Jr.'s side and help further his legacy if he can beat Pac at his own game. Although it's risky, I can honestly see Jr. trying something different in this fight to throw off Pac and Roach.
symptoms include
-small red or purplish acne, including breakouts in the shoulder and back
-joint pain; greater chance of injuring muscles and tendons
-increased muscle size
-extreme mood swings
-increased aggression or irritability
-poor decision making stemming from feeling of invincibility
-becomes secretive and/or starts lying
-Thinning hair throughout the head or receding hairline. (To be fair, JMM was balding for years,..he seeming put in hair plugs or rogaine or something, since his hair grew back magically.
Sports-medicine physicians have long suspected that steroids damage tendons and ligaments. Animal studies from the '80s show that the damage to joints begins within a few days of steroid use, and that exercise combined with steroid use makes it worse. The lab animals ended up with stiffer, weaker tendons."
steroid use can damage your knees...Hence, JMM injured his knees in training. The training/exercises made it worse.
Marquez was obviously punching harder than he had ever done before at the age of 39/40.
Not only that but he took punches a lot better.
Now does this mean that he was doping. Not really, but when you add it up with him working with premier chemist in PEDs it is a massive piece of evidence that he was. Just as Floyd is working with Memo.
Floyd and Marquez both tried to hide Memo's involvement in their camps until they were outed.
This was a great post. But it shows me more that Pac still gets caught by the same **** lol