He won't be fighting Pacquiao, he's already went on record saying this.
Yeah, he won't be fighting any version of the one-dimensional midget at any point in the future. He's already admitted health comes first. He also admitted he's a rich coward and wondered why Pacman is beating all these big guys.
I always find it funny when Pacquiao fans say that Floyd needs Pacquiao on his resume to seal his legacy in the sport but Manny is the one in a make em or break em fight against a guy who just came off a loss. Manny has to look good while Floyd is doing his #'s.
Guess Arum is back to the old tried and true marketing strategy-pretend we want floyd fight, mention it before manny ppv, help boost sales, manny kos overmatched foe, then manny will get an offer, find a reason to turn it down, his fans will blame the fight not happening on floyd, the eracists and floyd haters will side with them, sun will go down, sun will come up, repeat.
I don't really care about who makes the most money per bout between Floyd and Manny. I am not concerned with the money another man puts in his pockets, I simply want the best fight for "my" entertainment dollar. I am not concerned with whether or not any fighter deserves a fight, based on his last fight or sometimes, even his overall resume. I simply want to see the most exciting fights possible. When it's all said and done these 2 combatants will be just fine, but will we as fans have seen the best fights that could have been made in this era?
Floyd never wanted to fight him in the first place, that's clear.
I don't think Pacquiao's losing streak has any effect on the fight happening.
It wasn't going to happen in the 1st place.
Pac is too dangerous and Floyd would rather fight fighters who are easier to solve and are not south paws with power.
If money were an issue at this stage, it would be just another excuse.
Any version of Pacquiao is more marketable tham Khan or Guerrero.
Lol @ this guy thinking Pacquiao is hard to solve for Mayweather. Marquez had him figured out in the first fight and it just got worse from that point on (3rd fight was the most convincing but was still robbed, if you had Pacquiao ahead there then you're biased). In the fourth he was ahead on the scorecards prior to getting KO'd, that's about it. If a past-prime Marquez can do that to him what do you think a still-capable Floyd can do?
I don't really care about who makes the most money per bout between Floyd and Manny. I am not concerned with the money another man puts in his pockets, I simply want the best fight for "my" entertainment dollar. I am not concerned with whether or not any fighter deserves a fight, based on his last fight or sometimes, even his overall resume. I simply want to see the most exciting fights possible. When it's all said and done these 2 combatants will be just fine, but will we as fans have seen the best fights that could have been made in this era?
All this is true and sounds good but Arum don't want the fight and now it makes it even harder being that Mayweather is in a better position than he was 3 years ago. Manny would be lucky to get 40%. It's ridiculous that a man as old as Arum can't let bygones be bygones and just make it happen. NO I don't believe Floyd is at fault because the dude was there ready to fight when it mattered and Pacquiao wasn't. Everything that came after was all smoke and mirrors. Mayweather fighting and beating Manny at this point will make his fans say Floyd waited to Manny got old but not taking into consideration that Floyd is older. If everyone would have agreed that Manny should take the test instead of taking sides then maybe pressure would have been on enough to make the fight a reality. Manny saying random blood testing is the best thing for boxing NOW after all of his excuses, has to be the biggest slap in the face regarding this fight.
SO when exactly could he no longer pull the trigger? Was it in the Floyd fight where he was winning half way through, losing by SD? Or was it a year later he magically couldn't anymore when he faced Pacquiao?
It's a convenient excuse for you and Oscar.
The fact is that he was the massive favorite to beat little, tiny Pacquiao and got **** on.
Fighting Oscar at 154 while he hydrated back up to 165+ on fight night versus fighting Oscar a year later while he came in at 145 lbs even though that's 20+ lbs below his fighting weight, which is better?
A few more things, the only people who think that fight was close are Pacquiao fans. Even the punchstats disagree with you by a WIDE margin, so I'd love to know how you distributed the action throughout the 12 rounds, rofl.
You're so far down Pacquiao's nuts that you actually convinced yourself that he beat a prime Morales when Morales' prime ended even before their first fight. Yeah, the fight where Morales outboxed your boy and he had a bunch of excuses afterwards like wearing the wrong socks. I would've been fine with it if he had some sort of injury or admitted he had an off day, but no, somehow he had no control over the socks he was wearing????????????? LOL.
The sheer number of people who thought DLH would win that fight vs Pacuiao is testament to how little most people actually know about boxing. Let's face it, most people are terrible at analyzing fighters, namely because they've never set foot in the ring. Even fighters suck at it, and that lack of knowledge of detailed fundamentals is probably the reason why they aren't a Mayweather or a Leonard or a Hagler.
I was one of the people that thought DLH would win that fight......
.....up until Oscar took off his robe on fight night. Soon as he took of it off, I vividly remember saying out loud to everyone in the room, "Nvm, he gon lose, probly knocked the **** out". So, the outcome wasn't a surprise to me. *******s will always make that fight out to be some sort of shock though to make it more impressive than it actually was.
We are never privy to actual fight meetings, thus we are spoon fed exactly what each entity would have us believe. One group feels the fight has not been made because of Mayweather, another, Manny (usually based on which fighter you like). At the end of the day, fighters fight and if that's not happening, someone outside of the ring is the culprit. This is the sad reality of the current state of boxing. I don't think for one moment that Floyd or Manny afraid to fight each other.
I don't get this Pacquiao looking good crap. Isn't that essentially why Floyd avoided the fighter of the decade? Floyd had admitted in a thousand occasions that Pacquiao is too good to be real. That's why he demanded extra testing for the first time in his career. He was saying that you can only be that good if you're cheating. He's saying Pacman is that good.
Fact that he calls himself Money Mayweather and a smart businessman and his own boss, yet avoided the biggest money fight of this generation. What more do you need to know?
Money aside, Money Mayweather doesn't even regard it as an opportunity to prove himself, or do it for the the fans or for the spirit of the sport. NOTHING can motivate this guy to fight the superstar of boxing.
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