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Comments Thread For: Queens DA: Robert Guerrero is Facing Four Felonies

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    Originally posted by Ray* View Post
    This is why I was SHOCKED! I mean if it was Broner I wouldn't even bat an eyelid but the fact that it was Guerrero who is pretty religion from what I have seen or heard makes it so hypocritical but have been told now that religion people are the ones who actually love carrying a gun which IMO seems a bit hypocritical.
    Its weird for those in England but in the US Christians are the biggest gun loving folks around. I dont know whats hypocritical about it tho


      Originally posted by ShoulderRoll View Post
      Ray*, he wasn't committing any crimes or doing anything against his religion. In fact he was trying to be a good citizen and report his weapon to the authorities.

      Being ignorant of the laws was his only sin and he didn't do it knowingly or with a harmful intent.
      Of course he was. Having an unlicensed gun and 3 illegal mags in NY is a crime. Good citizens know gun laws and dont possess mags which are illegal in both NY and his home state

      Im not sure why someone has to have a harmful intent for it to be a crime


        The law is the law and he broke it.

        But I don't think that he deserves to be punished that harshly for a simple oversight that hurt no one. Save that for the people who really are malicious and deliberately trying to harm others.


          Welcome to New York, Robert...

          Robert better invest in a lawyer and try to strike a deal...think that's his best chance...

          This being public is probably the WORSE thing for Guerrero...since now NY has to stand by their ridiculous gun laws...

          He might strike a deal and do 1 1/2 to 2 years but I'd be SHOCKED if he does no time unless somehow the case is thrown out...


            I don't think people realize just how F'ed Guerrero is. After the Newtown, CT incident gun laws have been getting stricter across the U.S and NY is just waiting for a high profile incident like this to make an example out of someone.
            Not to mention the fact that he brought an unregistered firearm on a plane in a post 9/11 world.
            To all those saying he is getting probation or he will plead down to something smaller your crazy. Guerrero has the appropriate nickname for this situation, as after May 4 you won't be hearing about the Ghost for a long time.
            IMO this is a career ender.


              Originally posted by devildg View Post
              i think he's goin down. Bloomberg and his minions are like vultures and can smell blood.
              Precisely, Bloomberg is insane...


                Originally posted by ShoulderRoll View Post
                Ray*, he wasn't deliberately committing any crimes or doing anything against his religion. In fact he was trying to be a good citizen and report his weapon to the authorities.

                Being ignorant of the laws was his only sin and he didn't do it knowingly or with a harmful intent.
                Well according to what i read you cant play the ignorant excuse, I also didnt think he was trying to do anything silly with it, i also think he was being honest and didnt know but hey am ignorant too regarding a lot of things.


                  Originally posted by Russian Crushin View Post
                  Its weird for those in England but in the US Christians are the biggest gun loving folks around. I dont know whats hypocritical about it tho

                  Well am a christian too and attend churches here, and also read the bible (Not that am an expert) but according to what i know so far you cant carry a bible in one hand while carrying a gun in the other (That to me is hypocritical sorry), am not sure what he needs a gun for or what they use it for over there but yea a lot of us here are ignorant to guns over here, I live in a country where even the police dont carry a gun so yea that says it all really.


                    Originally posted by ShoulderRoll View Post
                    The law is the law and he broke it.

                    But I don't think that he deserves to be punished that harshly for a simple oversight that hurt no one. Save that for the people who really are malicious and deliberately trying to harm others.
                    I agree with this, am not even asking or thinking he should be punished. I genuinely feel like he didnt really really know but to be honest the obsession about guns in america is scary, Once you start talking about how bad or dangerous guns can be you get people getting offended like you stole their life away from them...Really? i gun that important to peoples live over there lol...


                      Originally posted by Ray* View Post
                      I agree with this, am not even asking or thinking he should be punished. I genuinely feel like he didn't really really know but to be honest the obsession about guns in America is scary, Once you start talking about how bad or dangerous guns can be you get people getting offended like you stole their life away from them...Really? i gun that important to peoples live over there lol...
                      To everyone saying "why are Americans so obsessed with guns?" and "the law is the law". I think you all need to aquatint yourself with the history of gun control over the last 100 years. Look on YouTube for a woman speaker who lived under Hitler and then under Communist Russian rule. She discusses how the willful abdication of rights is what leads to tyranny.

                      P.S. - If you are from the UK, with all do respect, your country is crime ridden, one of the most dangerous in Europe, with the highest rates of home break-ins and violent assaults in all of Europe. So maybe you twits should get your affairs in order before worrying about America, cause your s**t is a mess.

                      I'm glad to live in a place where if you try to enter the home where my wife and children sleep, or if you run up on me in the street with a deadly weapon, you are getting smoked. I don't have to rely on cops to protect me, because the reality is the police can't protect you while an assault or Break-in is in progress; they can only come take a statement and try to find the perpetrator.

                      If you are so afraid of guns, take your B**** a** to the UK, where they don't have the same sensibility about what it means to be free. If you are in Europe and you are criticizing America's "obsession" with guns, mind your own business. This forum is full if straight hoes, and I'm done posting on this site. Sickening.

                      "From my cold dead hand"

