Originally posted by eddoes
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Why would he agree to FULL testing NOW, when he refused a 14-day cutoff back in 2009?
How can you believe anything that Manny says now that he has flip-flopped on wanting the fight, the split, and the stadium..... all in the last week?
But, it'll be interesting to get confirmation of this latest tweet from Mayweather..... because unless Floyd is trying to get leverage on the date (he will agree to 50/50 if Team Pacquiao agree to May 5th) then his position that Manny should get less than 50% is unjustifiable imho.
And that is in spite of Pac agreeing to take less money.
Mayweather had already agreed to 50/50, so I can't take him too seriously if he is not prepared to agree now. Either he wants the fight or he doesn't.
We can all see that Pac dont want none of Mayweather, but in spite of the fact that Floyd has made Team Pacquiao look like b1tches over the last few days, I find it hard to believe that he really wants that fight if he will not agree to a 50/50 split.
Can someone post the tweet please ?