So i finally threw down to order a UFC card tonight. I'v said many times that MMA isnt a sport and the skill level to excel in it is very low but lots of people i know were hyping up the main event so i decided to give it another chance....and god damn i wish i could get my money back.
2 fighters with limitted skill hugging eachother for 3 rounds. And what's with that cornball Rashad stealing the "Sugar" moniker from our sport. You gotta earn that title by being a prodigy in the sport of boxing. I guess the glorified street fighter wasnt creative enough to come up with his own nickname so he stole the most cliche one he could think of from boxing. Ray Robinson is probably rolling over in his grave.
2 fighters with limitted skill hugging eachother for 3 rounds. And what's with that cornball Rashad stealing the "Sugar" moniker from our sport. You gotta earn that title by being a prodigy in the sport of boxing. I guess the glorified street fighter wasnt creative enough to come up with his own nickname so he stole the most cliche one he could think of from boxing. Ray Robinson is probably rolling over in his grave.