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Comments Thread For: Team Foreman: Steward Not Welcome, He Can Join Cotto

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    Like they had a real shot when the Cotto camp stepped in.


      Originally posted by bazil82 View Post
      man why is he getting butt hurt the fight ain't for 3 months Stewart is still in negotiations screw that flat fee, I bet it was like 2500 dollars and a plane ticket, you kno the Yuri camp is stingy
      It's nice to know that there is someone reliable who can report news to we readers, which is authentic, such as

      "Foreman's camp is stingy and offered Steward a flat fee of $2500........." (paraphrasing) i don't think we knew that Yuri was stingy, there has been very little news about him at all, and what there was, was that he was a decent guy..etc.

      Now we know better......??


        Originally posted by oc9979 View Post
        Aunque se da por descontado que el ex tres veces campeón Miguel Cotto buscará la corona de las 154 libras de la AMB en poder de Yuri Foreman el próximo 5 de junio en el Yankee Stadium en Nueva York, aún no ha firmado oficialmente el contrato según comunicó ayer su asesor legal, Gaby Peñagarícano.

        “No hay pelea firmada todavía y estamos bregando con la situación. Espero tener noticias próximamente. De ese tema se ha hablado pero la pelea no está firmada. Pero en esa estamos. Si ha habido conversaciones y se está en la fase de negociación”, expresó.

        Cotto, de 29 años y palmarés de 34-2 con 27 cloroformados, viene de perder su última reyerta ante el filipino Manny Pacquiao, quien le arrebató el cinturón welter de la OMB imponiéndose por nocaut técnico en 12 asaltos.

        Tras su derrota en noviembre pasado comenzó a rumorarse que Cotto contrataría un nuevo entrenador en sustitución de Joe Santiago, quien a su vez sustituyó a Evangelista Cotto sonando ene se momento los nombres de Emmanuel Steward, Buddy McGirt y Ronnie Shileds sumándose meses meas tarde el cubano Orlando Cuellar y el mexicano Eduardo García.

        “Todo está en el mismo status”, dijo escuetamente el abogado.

        Sin embargo, El Vocero publicó hace un par de semanas que Steward será el nuevo entrenador de Cotto y se acuartelarán en Tampa, Florida, donde el cagüeño hará toda su preparación y no regresará a la Isla hasta después del combate.

        based on this article the fight is not even signed.
        Nice sig and avatar........poor post. This is an english speaking website, translate next time.


          Originally posted by Mr. Invincible View Post
          Nice sig and avatar........poor post. This is an english speaking website, translate next time.
          sorry I was in a rush to get to work.. The bold part just basically says that gaby penagarican(cotto's lawyer or something like that) said that they are still reviewing the terms and have not signed the contract yet. I'll translate better when I get home unless someone wants to translate it for now
          Last edited by oc9979; 03-27-2010, 09:03 AM.


            Originally posted by BMWM3P View Post
            Like they had a real shot when the Cotto camp stepped in.
            exactly they know that there chances are slim to none now that team cotto is in the runnings and are trying to save face. this is like hearing that your girl doesnt want to be with you and then you try to dump her first
            Last edited by ny123; 03-27-2010, 09:26 AM.


              over rated trainer + over rated fighter = disaster!


                Originally posted by jantzen212003 View Post
                over rated trainer + over rated fighter = disaster!
                george peterson is not overrated


                  Originally posted by jantzen212003 View Post
                  over rated trainer + over rated fighter = disaster!
                  butthurt hater + shoe size iq = ******ed poster


                    Originally posted by jantzen212003 View Post
                    over rated trainer + over rated fighter = disaster!
                    How the hell is Yuri Foreman overrated?!..


                      Originally posted by edgarg View Post
                      It's nice to know that there is someone reliable who can report news to we readers, which is authentic, such as

                      "Foreman's camp is stingy and offered Steward a flat fee of $2500........." (paraphrasing) i don't think we knew that Yuri was stingy, there has been very little news about him at all, and what there was, was that he was a decent guy..etc.

                      Now we know better......??
                      He is a ***. That was his biggest claim to fame. Cotto is a binafide star and Yuri is a paper champ. Cotto lost 2x. He did give Manny some problems even post Margarito. There is no way yuri beats Miguel.

