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Comments Thread For: Team Foreman: Steward Not Welcome, He Can Join Cotto

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    Comments Thread For: Team Foreman: Steward Not Welcome, He Can Join Cotto

    The situation surrounding Emanuel Steward's involvement in the Miguel Cotto vs. Yuri Foreman fight is sorting itself out. As I previously reported on, there was a minor tug of war for the training services of Steward. Last month, Yuri Foreman's manager, Murray Wilson, reached a verbal agreement with Steward to join their camp in a consultant's role for two to three weeks. [Click Here To Read More]

    Manny Steward has always been vocal about his desire to train Cotto. If he does get the job it will be interesting to see the result of Cotto's training.


      saw this coming once it was announced that manny steward was still in the running to be the next top cotto coach.


        I think Manny will help out, but it's really too late.. Cotto should of hired Manny a long time ago when Emmanuel showed interest when he and Evangelista parted ways. If Cotto took him on before the Clottey fight, Cotto would have been a much greater fighter. He would not have taken those beatings he took against Clottey and Manny and he would have had that coaching from Emmanuel for some time now instead of him coming in fresh now.

        But I guess better late than never.. I hope Manny and rejuvenize him, he got torn up bad in the Pacquiao fight and he came in excellent shape. He lost that fire he once had IMO.


          Originally posted by BIGPOPPAPUMP View Post
          The situation surrounding Emanuel Steward's involvement in the Miguel Cotto vs. Yuri Foreman fight is sorting itself out. As I previously reported on, there was a minor tug of war for the training services of Steward. Last month, Yuri Foreman's manager, Murray Wilson, reached a verbal agreement with Steward to join their camp in a consultant's role for two to three weeks. [Click Here To Read More]
          man why is he getting butt hurt the fight ain't for 3 months Stewart is still in negotiations screw that flat fee, I bet it was like 2500 dollars and a plane ticket, you kno the Yuri camp is stingy


            i'll be interested to see if we will see any improvements ... it was pretty obvious he ran his own camp for the pac fight and a change was def needed. it maybe too little too late tho


              Originally posted by LRcie03 View Post
              I think Manny will help out, but it's really too late.. Cotto should of hired Manny a long time ago when Emmanuel showed interest when he and Evangelista parted ways. If Cotto took him on before the Clottey fight, Cotto would have been a much greater fighter. He would not have taken those beatings he took against Clottey and Manny and he would have had that coaching from Emmanuel for some time now instead of him coming in fresh now.

              But I guess better late than never.. I hope Manny and rejuvenize him, he got torn up bad in the Pacquiao fight and he came in excellent shape. He lost that fire he once had IMO.
              I agree with u, it's kinda late to hire him at this stage but it still interesting to see what happens now.


                Originally posted by -Boxzilla- View Post
                i'll be interested to see if we will see any improvements ... it was pretty obvious he ran his own camp for the pac fight and a change was def needed. it maybe too little too late tho
                It may not be to late Cotto can take a punch and good thing Foreman ain't a one punch knockout artist. Stewart did good with Wlad lets just hope he can do the same with Cotto.


                  Cotto is late. He should of had Emmanuel Steward help him
                  train for the Manny Pacquiao fight like people suggested. This
                  was Cotto's biggest con not having a better trainer/corner to
                  help him improve. Interested on seeing what kind of work he
                  can do with Cotto.
                  Last edited by GRUSTLER; 03-27-2010, 07:07 AM. Reason: Correction.


                    Aunque se da por descontado que el ex tres veces campeón Miguel Cotto buscará la corona de las 154 libras de la AMB en poder de Yuri Foreman el próximo 5 de junio en el Yankee Stadium en Nueva York, aún no ha firmado oficialmente el contrato según comunicó ayer su asesor legal, Gaby Peñagarícano.

                    “No hay pelea firmada todavía y estamos bregando con la situación. Espero tener noticias próximamente. De ese tema se ha hablado pero la pelea no está firmada. Pero en esa estamos. Si ha habido conversaciones y se está en la fase de negociación”, expresó.

                    Cotto, de 29 años y palmarés de 34-2 con 27 cloroformados, viene de perder su última reyerta ante el filipino Manny Pacquiao, quien le arrebató el cinturón welter de la OMB imponiéndose por nocaut técnico en 12 asaltos.

                    Tras su derrota en noviembre pasado comenzó a rumorarse que Cotto contrataría un nuevo entrenador en sustitución de Joe Santiago, quien a su vez sustituyó a Evangelista Cotto sonando ene se momento los nombres de Emmanuel Steward, Buddy McGirt y Ronnie Shileds sumándose meses meas tarde el cubano Orlando Cuellar y el mexicano Eduardo García.

                    “Todo está en el mismo status”, dijo escuetamente el abogado.

                    Sin embargo, El Vocero publicó hace un par de semanas que Steward será el nuevo entrenador de Cotto y se acuartelarán en Tampa, Florida, donde el cagüeño hará toda su preparación y no regresará a la Isla hasta después del combate.

                    based on this article the fight is not even signed.

