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RA the Rugged Man Vs Floyd Mayweather on Shade 45 (Audio)

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    Originally posted by BattlingNelson View Post
    When Floyd returned there was supposed to be a hit-list. And the return was not about money. It was about legacy. Stop all the excuses please. It's pathetic.
    Don't be naive. There was no "hitlist". That was Floyd marketing himself. Since when has Floyd been a "hitlist" type of guy?

    You guys have to stop hinging on every word Floyd says. The guy cares about money. He has showed you that. You want him to care about legacy. He doesn't put that above money.

    Personally, I don't care who he does or does not fight. i just want big fights in the sport. Period.


      Originally posted by Bhopreign View Post
      Based on styles Hopkins shouldnt have fought him, I picked Cal to win that one.
      wtf u talking about, hopkins beat calz in a close fight. a prime hopkins would've beaten him 12-0 + a knockdown.


        Originally posted by Pullcounter View Post
        wtf u talking about, hopkins beat calz in a close fight. a prime hopkins would've beaten him 12-0 + a knockdown.
        Hopkins did not beat Cal, Im sorry.


          Originally posted by Horus View Post
          True Welterweight?
          So are there False Welterweight?

          True Middleweight?
          So are there False Middleweight?

          What makes somebody a true (insert weightclass)???

          Please explain?


          Please explain.
          1.What are the qualifications to be a true
          (insert weightclass)???

          2.What characteristics does a person has to have to be a a true
          (insert weightclass)???

          3.How can we tell if a fighter belongs in a
          (insert weightclass)??? or not...

          If a fighter moves up and fights a Mediocre fighters at a higher weight effectively and look good doing it. does that now mean they prove they can fight beat everybody at that weight class...???

          When Roy beat John Ruiz at Heavyweight, did that mean he can also beat Lennox lewis??? Because Roy Proved he can fight effectively and look good at Heavyweight against a good fighter.

          and on the other side

          If a fighter moves up and fights real good competition but doesnt look impressive doing it, does it now mean he shouldnt fight at that weight?

          I mean some fighters you just not going to look good against period.

          Thats has nothing to do with you, but it has everything to do with the other fighter.

          I mean look at Floyd first fight at 135 pounds...against Castillo..
          Floyd didnt look impressive at all winning that fight ... but did that mean he should of moved back down to 130??? because he wasnt effective at 135 as he was at 130???

          Of Course not...!!!

          do you get the point?

          being effective has to do with your opponent very little with the fighter..!!

          Luis Collazo is not a bum and he is a very difficult fighter to beat especially if that is your FIRST fight at Welterweight. Like it was for Ricky Hatton.

          I am pretty sure JMM can look impressive at WW if he fought Delvin Rodriguez and Michael Jennings instead of Mayweather too but that is not the point.

          Your Opponent is the deciding factor in a fighter looking effective not the fighter most of the time
          Do you believe JMM could beat Delvin Rodriguea at 147?


            Originally posted by Al Haymon View Post
            Don't be naive. There was no "hitlist". That was Floyd marketing himself. Since when has Floyd been a "hitlist" type of guy?

            You guys have to stop hinging on every word Floyd says. The guy cares about money. He has showed you that. You want him to care about legacy. He doesn't put that above money.

            Personally, I don't care who he does or does not fight. i just want big fights in the sport. Period.
            Thats correct.


              Originally posted by jrosales13 View Post
              Do you believe JMM could beat Delvin Rodriguea at 147?
              Hmm, Delvin will let ya down in a fight, he's done that quite a few times.


                Originally posted by Al Haymon View Post
                Don't be naive. There was no "hitlist". That was Floyd marketing himself. Since when has Floyd been a "hitlist" type of guy?

                You guys have to stop hinging on every word Floyd says. The guy cares about money. He has showed you that. You want him to care about legacy. He doesn't put that above money.

                Personally, I don't care who he does or does not fight. i just want big fights in the sport. Period.
                So then you don't consider Floyd the best fighter out there just the biggest boxing star out there?


                  Originally posted by Al Haymon View Post

                  With all due respect to you, that is a low priority for him.

                  Floyd wants the big money fights. And his history shows that he will Pareto the opponents based on their commercial appeal and based on his potential payday.

                  "I fight for checks. I don't fight for bragging rights."

                  If you asked FMJ if he would rather have

                  A) Shane's rep /Shane's paydays


                  B) Floyd's rep/Floyd's paydays

                  ...he would choose "B" 100 times out of 100.
                  uh, shane would be the biggest money fight right now. in succession to that, if floyd could beat ssm, he would then get the next biggest draw, the winner of pac cotto.

                  that makes would make floyd the most money, but you fail to recognize what floyd cares about more than that, his record.


                    Originally posted by Bhopreign View Post
                    Of course not, but where was he wrong in that interview? That guy didnt present anything different than whats been said on this forum a million times and also debunked a million and one times. What part of the interview did he school or own Floyd? He actually contradicted himself a number of times.
                    Cause he brings up **** like Baldomir
                    lineal champ or not he was and still is a joke

                    he did say ****** things like bhop the greatest champ ever and how he went after shane in 99 after he lost to Forrest which we all know both arent true but Floyd always has excuses.

                    You sound reasonable

                    answer me this

                    Floyd said in the interview
                    Pwill-too big
                    Mosley on roids
                    Cotto cant do biz cause of arum (that eliminates Pac too)
                    then who the *** can he fight that is legit?

                    No one
                    that to me is ******ity at its finest and
                    HOw can you support a fighter like him?
                    Really how?
                    He got owned
                    Ive said it before but everyone ignores it
                    All Floyd has to do is say he is going to fight the winner of pac cotto or mosley
                    he will decide after 11/14
                    but he cant even do that
                    AM I wrong in thinking so?


                      Originally posted by The Gambler1981 View Post
                      He is better with words then Floyd though, Floyd in an arguement is awful as bad as some cats on here. It is no knock on him it just is that way, Floyd is a boxer not someone who speaks for a living.

                      It always does amuse me though how Floyd gets so much heat being a poor public speaker, that **** is crazy to me. Some people can just talk in public some it takes a lot of training, Floyd devoted his life to the craft of boxing not the craft of public speaking.
                      I dont see how that guy had any valid points against him though, he mostly tried to talk over Floyd, thats not winning an argument to me. Telling Floyd to fight someone his own size then dismissing that he came up from 130 is laughable.

