In instances like this it's on us to keep alive a culture of the doubled respect that comes from two quality fighters engaging in a close bout, rather than labelling the 'A-side' overrated & the guy who got 'robbed' some kind of brand new hero ijs.
0 lineal world championship fights
0 TBRB world championship fights
0 Ring world championship fights
0 unification fights
0 fights against anyone ranked in the top 3 of the division he fought them in at the time of the fight
What exactly has he done to warrant the status he has in this sport?
he went life and death with pitbull and now this roche figth in between google tank davis special what makes him so good hight ring IQ etc etc his twitter bots were calling him the p4p no1 guy in boxing !!!! LOLLLLL
and he refues to fight the top guys in his division as well but he WOU~LD beat them IFFFF he fought them !!!! LOL if thats not over rated i dont know what is!!!
Bradley's opinions are overrated. Could copy paste his commentary from any fight onto any other fight without noticing the difference. And Davis is the definition of overrated. But de eye test doe!
well at least we got rid of that im better than mayweathre latest line from him LOLOLLOL thats what happens when you moilly coddle boxers their egos go throught the ROOF!!!
Twelve months later when Tank loses his next fight:
Bradley: "WOOOOOO!! I told you, Tess! I told you! Boy was food when he stepped up and fought a real fighter! I said it from day one dude was overrated!"
Joe Tessitore: "All right, Tim. I understand, but this is an ESPN telecast and we're covering a completely different fight betwee--"