Haney demanding big money is just ridiculous
The fact he brings nothing to the table , fans or views , is just another sign of his disillusionment
Teo on the same path imo
Haney is fackin chit, end of. Beaten twice and will inevitably lose again in a fight or two and that includes against bums!!!
he will get frog marched back a k to his dressing room and get bummed.
He's a snitch..he ran to the courts over some sh.it that could have been settled like men. Also, he ran to whoever it is was or is that gave em his 0 back. That's beta snitch as.s sh.it. Most males are still men these days and it rubs most,not all,men the wrong way..it's bi.tch sh.it. he is done, old bologna cheeks is done..his racist pops on the other hand will still be talking
Can't blame hankey. He received alot of the dazn money when it first started. And I'm assuming he got paid pretty good by top rank for the Loma fight as well as his two fights in Australia.
Now that he's been exposed the gravy train is over.