oil 15 can be used in other ways. I seen some Cajuns popping up on the short videos, about time they spread that culture a bit. One of the greatest American culture ever.
Kin of Moses ain't nothing to **** with.
I took to the culture because I was raised in a Puerto Rican hood. Cajuns are for all practical purposes French Puerto Ricans... When I was a kid, the good food was had at my Dominican and Puerto Rican friends houses... Cajun food is superb. Cajun French has the same creole Pigin qualities that Puerto Rican Spanish, mixed with English has, to my untrained ears.
The people have the same natural resourcefulness and toughness, the women are tough in a good way. Oh and... large families! Welcoming large families.
Wilder is another USA thug who can't fight that is in the news for all the wrong reasons.
Dear Dr Z,
I have been looking for you as to an explanation about the stiff Croat. I am quite sure you can explain to me the reason he lost this fight... please do! As I watched the stiff croat fade my only thought was to your well being as I knew this would be on your strong shoulders to explain to us ignorant ones who might think the Stiff croat was never much to begin with.
Taino culture is super under appreciated for how impactful it is. I'm not saying the influences of England, Spain, and France don't make for some strong cultural differences in the peoples of the Caribbean today, but the people of the islands and their trade partners still have their versions of traditional taino food and leisure. They invented barbeque and it kinda shows everywhere but you have to give it to the homeland for some of the finest. From Jamaica's Jerk to Texas's sauce that's all taino land.
Interestingly, if you take the pre-contact tribes of the delta and mix them with the taino of bimini you get the modern-ish tribe we all know; Seminoles.
I'll not blow this up too much, but you know, dacca tiano, soy hispano. I doubt many actually know it so I will touch on it briefly.
In terms of range, christ man, Shawano were a trade ally of the Taino, as were the Cherokee, though, the Cherokee and Shawano only get along sometimes. So like, traditionally speaking, it isn't Taino land up toward Ohio and New England and such but it was a place Taino were welcome and traveled to for trade. The northern tribes up in Canada would come down for trade as well, so when trade was good a Taino man from Puerto Rico might find himself trading a Cherokee some shark skin for say some caribou pelt that was brought from the north. I'm not going to name a northern tribe because I don't remember but I may well pop back when it hits me.
Of course south of the Cherokee are Taino's good pals and sometimes tribesman the Creek and Choctaw. Super close, like I said, some tribes of mixed tribes still exist such as the Seminole.
Florida and beyond is all Taino proper territory. It does overlap others, the Taino are not the only inhabitants of the Caribbean. Often i see it said as if the Carib controlled the lesser while the greater Antilles were all Taino. This is grossly simplistic. The Taino shared their land with a few other tribes but didn't get on with Caribs and vice versa. The greater and lesser Antilles are more centers of power than borders of governments. In Puerto Rico or Jamaica the Caribs had very little hope of a successful raid is more the truth than to paint it as if no other tribes lived with them.
Finally we find ourself at the Taino ancestorial lands; Venezuela. Fairly deep into it too. The Arawak people of South America are pretty legendary but also relatively unknown. They would at time mingle with more famous central American peoples like the Toltecs and Mayans. Their range in South America doesn't reach nearly as far as the North American network but does reach pretty far into Brazil.
And that friends, does actually kind of explain the missing piece when looking at the modern versions of these cultures today or even quite a bit of the mystery surrounding the contact period.
The people whose traditional celebration is roasting some barbeque and smoking some stogies had a lot more impact over these lands than people realize.
Also, should be said for anyone who doesn't know, native alliances worked north to south rather than east-west most of the time. The horizontal divisions of the continent are a European invention. Like the obsession with pushing west being a uniquely American idea.
Yeah I know that Puerto Rico has Indian blood! Borica!!... I also know the tribal associations, as I was fortunate enough to have a good college prof undergrad who gave a basic class for areas, tribal association. Southwest Apache Oneida federation/Iriquios, North, NY, etc... Cherokee, Choktow South before the trail of tears... Seminoles Florida, the only native group yet to lose a battle with the States? Or who held the states to their treaty? I forget, but it was something outstanding and to live in those areas make the Seminoles BA 100!