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Comments Thread For: Caleb Plant: I'm Vaccinated Because I Don't Want This Moment Against Canelo To Slip By

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    Originally posted by Smash View Post

    yes delta is more of a problem for unvaxed people, but u also have to be realistic too, the vast majority of young healthy people who get delta will be fine, a certain low % will end up in hospital cluttering things up and they will regret not getting the vaccine and cause problems etc

    also at the end of the day, it looks likely that everyone will at some point pick up the virus, vaxed or not and picking up a virus and letting your body fight it off is different that a vaccine that just goes after the spike protein, covid is more than a spike protein, if u get this virus and fight it off u have immunity to all of the virus and that will serve u well into the future too as the virus changes

    actually, if u wanted to go ahead and get 1 shot of a vaccine to introduce the virus to u and not get the second shot just live your life and then pick the virus up in the end, u could have best of both worlds going forward, a safe introduction for a healthy person to covid and then a natural immunity response
    thanks doctor ill do just that
    Smash Smash likes this.


      "Like I talked about, I’m not gonna let something like COVID get in the way of stopping me from obtaining my destiny.” Or ten million freakin' dollars!


        Originally posted by ShoulderRoll View Post

        That doesn't mean people should be forced to take it if they don't want it.

        I'm not sure if you know but there's a revolving door between the FDA and the big pharmaceutical companies. With people working for one side then getting high positions on the other side. Going both ways.
        you dont have to get it you just cant be around the rest of us then because we dont want to get it from you! yeah it wont affect us as much(cause we are smart and not brainwashed by propaganda) but we still dont want to take a chance, you love taking chances for other people dont you??? personal freedom! its your personal freedom to go out and spread a deadly disease to other people? we should stay home? says the deadly disease spreading host. no...thats your job until you join the rest of the world.


          Some of you have literally watched too many apocalyptic films and tele. This anti vaxer talk has to be the most moronic most dunderheaded malarkey I’ve ever heard. I swear this had shown that there are a lot of people who are undiagnosed with paranoid personality disorder who think everyone (in this case the government) is out to get them
          El_Mero El_Mero likes this.


            Originally posted by ShoulderRoll View Post

            It's going to mutate regardless.

            You're vaccinated so why are you so terrified of the unvaccinated? You'll just get light symptoms, right?

            If you're that scared maybe you should be the one who locks himself inside his house.
            The real question, I think, should be why are anti-vaxxers so gung-ho about being infected with this mutated bat disease and so afraid of the vaccines which have been rigorously tested and are, by any reasonable yardstick, safe.

            It also seems strange to me that the same people who complain about the vaccines being untested or experimental don't seem to have the same problems with monoclonal antibody treatments.

            And your question ignores the point about a public health crisis and its damaging effect on all public health. The unvaccinated are a drain on hospitals, on health workers and we are seeing in Florida how they are even posing a risk to basic amenties such as safe drinking water.
            Fact Fact El_Mero El_Mero like this.


              Good for you Caleb. Its too bad a lot of these other boxers dont understand that. Saul by body shot in the 7th.


                Originally posted by daggum View Post

                you dont have to get it you just cant be around the rest of us then because we dont want to get it from you! yeah it wont affect us as much(cause we are smart and not brainwashed by propaganda) but we still dont want to take a chance, you love taking chances for other people dont you??? personal freedom! its your personal freedom to go out and spread a deadly disease to other people? we should stay home? says the deadly disease spreading host. no...thats your job until you join the rest of the world.
                Let me get it and recover from it. Herd immunity, right?

                Who knows the long term effects of these vaccines. It's not like they had enough time to thoroughly test them yet.
                charliepaerker charliepaerker likes this.


                  Originally posted by BeLikeWater View Post
                  Plant doesn’t have what it takes to beat canelo and he knows it. This is his retirement plan. Take a beating for check and call it a career. Why not. I just think it’s cute how is pumping himself up so his fans buy the fight and think plant has a chance. Canelo fans on the other hand I believe will buy the fight just to see a nice beat down and masterful performance. Plant just doesn’t have either the pop or the dance skills. Sorry not sorry.
                  Plant will most likely be stopped by Canelo. My understanding is his payday is $10,000,000 for fighting Canelo, so it is understandable if after the fight he calls it a career.
                  charliepaerker charliepaerker likes this.


                    Originally posted by New England View Post

                    side effects from vaccines typically show up in days or weeks. this vax is actually incredibly safe as far as medicines go. if you had the whole country take a sturdy dose of tylenol you'd probably see more hospitalizations.

                    for the record, these vacciones have been in development since before the pandemic. coronaviruses and airborne respiratory illnesses are not new. the wuhan virology lab, where this likely originated, was doing precisely that kind of research. and for the furtherment of the record, the pfizer jab, the most popular in the states, is fully approved by the fda since a few days ago.
                    The Short Term side effects show up in days or weeks, that's why they are called short term. Longer term side effects like infertility and deteriorating organs won't be known for a while.


                      Originally posted by champion4ever View Post

                      Well as of yesterday; The Pfizer vaccine has now been FDA approved. Which means it's safe.
                      Sorry but it only means it's been approved. The proof of safety or danger will be proven by the effects over time. Remember the FDA is a government agency that is heavily influenced by politics and big pharma.

