An American knowing jack **** about anything? To borrow a Yank term: "**** outta here!"
You talk about American ignorance but then you show that SAME damn ignorance. Yank or Yankee is a term used for Americans from the North East. A person from Texas, California or Florida would never be referred to as "yank".
BTW Hatton and Calz are both British, live with it.
Anyway, I find it slightly hypocritical to judge people for their lack of knowledge on European geography.
Should I judge you because you don't know the difference between an 'allocated' mutual fund and a 'balanced' mutual fund? Well, I don't judge because I know something that others don't. I know this because I work at a bank. You know the difference between Welsh and English, because well, you live there.
Wow...I can understand you're upset due to the unfamiliarity of backgrounds in Europe which leads to wrongful demographics
But you complain of Americans not knowing British history...yet no one complains about NOBODY knowing African history and human civilization started in Africa
Anyways, think about how hard it must be for asians...I'd be lying my ass off if I said I could distinguish Chinese from Japanese from Korean from Vietamese etc etc
It's not done on purpose, just make the correction and we'll take note
I hate commenting on these kind of topics and people should know the difference between Wales and England but they do have almost the same accent. Somebody not attuned to British accents wouldn't be able to distinguish. Listen to Catherine Zeta Jones talk.
Over the course of my life, I've read very little.
Thousands of pages, but no content.
Recently though, I've been reading things that deserves to be read.
Texts, philosophies, books- things that can open my eyes, teach me something and maybe even guide me on a path that fits me.
What would you say if I told you that you can get a simple "yes-no" answer to every question you could ever ask?
"**** off" maybe?
Well, read Power vs Force and educate yourself.¨
Also, if you are educated and know a little sumthin sumthin about subjects under the sun, tell me what the closing comments in Liber al Vel Legis means?
I mean, I'm describing things here that pertain directly to a boxing discussion.
Okay, they SHOULDN'T - I don't give a **** where a boxer comes from personally - but all day long I read **** about "Europe, the capital of Whales in Germany" and I think people should know better.
They shouldn't know Decartes, but they should know basic GEOGRAPHY.
You talk about American ignorance but then you show that SAME damn ignorance. Yank or Yankee is a term used for Americans from the North East. A person from Texas, California or Florida would never be referred to as "yank".
I know this, I'm just goofing.
BTW Hatton and Calz are both British, live with it
No, you don't understand the point I'm making. It's okay, you're ******. "Live with it."
Anyway, I find it slightly hypocritical to judge people for their lack of knowledge on European geography.
Should I judge you because you don't know the difference between an 'allocated' mutual fund and a 'balanced' mutual fund? Well, I don't judge because I know something that others don't. I know this because I work at a bank. You know the difference between Welsh and English, because well, you live there.
If you see me posting about mutual funds then be sure to pull me up on it.