Originally posted by Addison
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Floyd "I wont fight Cotto if he defeats Mosley"
strange. cotto is a bigger draw than cintron and williams, and cotto probably is a less difficult style matchup than williams.
it's probably due to mayweather and arum hating each other.
williams is still with goosen, right?
Originally posted by Black Jesus View Postlike i detailed in the other thread, all of this has to do with arum, at least thats the way i see it, so long as arum is on the ropes with pbf, you will not see an arum fighter and a pbf in the same ring.
i agree with u. arum and floyd need 2 kiss and make up like dlh and arum did.
I dunno what his problem with Cotto is. In all honesty, I think Mosley is the more dangerous option for Mayweather. Either way, if he doesn't fight the winner, regardless of who it is, I'll start to wonder what the hell i sgoing through Mayweathers head.
Originally posted by borikua View PostIf he hates Arum, why not beat his #1 fighter?Floyd knows that the fans and the networks will want to see him face Cotto if he beats Mosley...
Because if he lost, it'd be to a fighter that is "owned" by the guy that he hates. Also, his enemy would be making money off him, regardless of the outcome. I think he should fight the winner, regardless, but I see the viewpoint.
Originally posted by borikua View PostIf he hates Arum, why not beat his #1 fighter?Floyd knows that the fans and the networks will want to see him face Cotto if he beats Mosley...
but in his mind, he may be thinking "i'm not letting arum, this guy who didn't promote me right over the years, make all this money off of me"
Originally posted by borikua View PostIf he hates Arum, why not beat his #1 fighter?Floyd knows that the fans and the networks will want to see him face Cotto if he beats Mosley...