Originally posted by Technical_Skill
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Do You Really Think Hatton Wants to Fight Mayweather?
Originally posted by Technical_Skill View PostIn my honest opinion, at the moment NO.
The reason i say this is because he has said he wants mayweather next since 2005, turned down chances to fight mayweather before, etc.
I dont think Hatton is scared of mayweather as a person, Hatton is a nice guy, but obviously very hard, but i think he knows he is likely to lose that fight,
If you ever see his interviews on the subject its clear he admires mayweather as a boxer, which is unsual for this sport, you dont praise fighters in that way before you are about to do combat with them, its just not the way things are done, which is why mayweather trashes him to bits, if they fought, post fight mayweather would turn around and say he respects hatton and that it was all talk imo.
But you dont praise a guy you wanna fight the way hatton does, saying things like "He has no reason to be scared of me" which is what hatton has said about mayweather in the past.
So i hope i am wrong, but part of me believes hatton is talking for the sake of talking when it comes to mayweather and not actually doing much about it. Mayweather definately called his bluff after the castillo fight, i dont think anyone expected mayweather to call hatton out like that, so like mayweather says, it will be interesting to see if he fights, or what his excuse will be this time.
Hatton is not a guy who has ever really indulged in trash talking. He does genuinely appear to be a normal guy with a few more manners than a loudmouthed, little prick like Mayweather. The most exciting thing about Floyd is the hype - the product in the ring should be patented by GlaxoSmithKline as a sleep medicine.
And what the **** is wrong with Hatton openly saying he'll only fight Floyd when he (Hatton) is ready? Sounds like commonsense to me. Granted, despite being boring, Floyd is an efficient fighter and as much as I love the guy, I'd be reluctant to put money on Hatton winning, but you can be sure that Hatton will give 101% and will be a hell of a dangerous opponent for Floyd - much more dangerous than Oscar.
Hatton clearly wants the Floyd fight. The only barrier to that fight will be Floyd himself - Floyd is the only one with strings attached.
sin the only guarantee in this life is that you die
anything can happen and yes he does want the mayweather fight , always has , but boxing and all other sports is a buisiness first as it is your only way of a living and its gotta be right financially and at the moment the payday might be good enough for ricky to resign himself to the fact he might lose this one
Of course he wants PBF. Hatton is an honest a lad as you get. When he is hurt he tells you.
He said he will fight DLH because PBF dont want to fight him. That says do you think PBF dont want Hatton now. Forget about the past. We are talking now, since Hatton dissed PBF after the Castillo ko.
Originally posted by boeing747 View PostI respect your right to have an opinion. But it's pure, unmitigated bull**** so, if I were you, I'd refrain from having any opinion in future.
Hatton is not a guy who has ever really indulged in trash talking. He does genuinely appear to be a normal guy with a few more manners than a loudmouthed, little prick like Mayweather. The most exciting thing about Floyd is the hype - the product in the ring should be patented by GlaxoSmithKline as a sleep medicine.
And what the **** is wrong with Hatton openly saying he'll only fight Floyd when he (Hatton) is ready? Sounds like commonsense to me. Granted, despite being boring, Floyd is an efficient fighter and as much as I love the guy, I'd be reluctant to put money on Hatton winning, but you can be sure that Hatton will give 101% and will be a hell of a dangerous opponent for Floyd - much more dangerous than Oscar.
Hatton clearly wants the Floyd fight. The only barrier to that fight will be Floyd himself - Floyd is the only one with strings attached.
When your a champion, you fight other champions, when turn down another champion, unless your turning down a champion for another viable champion, your intentions are clearly not to fight a champion who is likely to give you a huge problem.
When you turn down mayweather and then fight Carlos Maussa, thats not fighting a viable champion. When you turn down mayweather and your next fight is Juan Urango, thats not fighting a viable champion.
However i do agree hatton's praising fighters is how he normally is, him calling out mayweather in his hometown obviously pissed mayweather off, and i SERIOUSLY dont think they were ready for him to fire off ready to fight him
First, you kids don't know anything about who turned down what offers. If you have any sense you'll rid yourselves of the convenient rumors you treat as truth. When a fight doesn't get made, the fans never know the truth.
Second, he probably has mixed feelings about it, as a man usually does when he considers a fight he stands a good chance of losing.