Originally posted by JAB5239
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James Toney vs Sam Langford
Originally posted by Marchegiano
I really had no problem at all tell Nard you're my father If you use it in the 90s hip-hop sense you are. Or at least I am your son, that's why those rappers used that word so much. When you follow another man's path you are sort of a son.
I see bro, you're a cool dude who has experience down this path. You're a pops.
My two boys call me pops lol.
Originally posted by Ascended View Post
I exposed Jab badly with multiple videos of that whole era. They were novices, like I said,
compared to even amateurs from 2005, all 30s-early 50s all had the same flaws as each other
I have no need to actually provide any more video; I provided proof from the 00/05/90s of fighters way more advanced than novices in the 30s.
No one can provide videos to go over mine.
jab has no problem with you politely saying the old eras wouldn’t be able to compete with newer fighters I showed him you said that he ignored it, yet it's a problem me saying they were novices/trash compared, it means the same thing as you said
I'm not being nice to sensitive crazy cult members
Originally posted by Ascended View Post
why not insult him what's the difference from what I say,oh cause I say old era are novices/trash compared not nice enough for you sensitive cult crazy members?
When you post a video explain what it is in the video that provides context for your point. Although that might be impossible for you. You don't seem to realize that when you look under a microscope the first time you don't see lots of small little creatures roaming around you have to get used to what it looks like what to look for. You don't know what to look for in these videos or you would see some of these things that you claimed don't exist.
Professional fighters have to be subtle because everybody is looking for the same things. It's not always going to be obvious. Why don't you go on YouTube look at some good commentaries that people put up? Were they showing you a film and describing things like the point of entry, the technique, etc. Instead of wasting everybody's time with your nonsense this would be constructive.
Finally here's a hint: range for the earlier guys that you love so much lol, it operates at a totally different distance. Farther back you go the more the distance is similar to fencing. Part of that reason is because of the development of the sport, part of it has to do with not breaking your hands. You couldn't square up if you're fighting infinite rounds of a sort, because, if you break your hand, you're done for.
You first see distance change dramatically post Dempsey. Dempsey was the first to really focus on the punches and create a distance to accommodate them exclusively. I mean, I don't know if Dempsey was the first, but he was the first superstar heavyweight to do so.
Come on and shock us learn something!Last edited by billeau2; 04-19-2024, 04:07 PM.
Look at this advanced lateral movement. See how these guys don't leave themselves open and throw themselves into one another. A fantastic display of fighting from range. One of the greatest heavyweight champions vs one of the greatest heavyweight contenders showing flawless and silky smooth skills!!
Sorry Bat, I was browsing fights and this just stuck out to me.
Originally posted by them_apples View Post
how do you even understand him is the questionAttached FilesLast edited by Ascended; 04-20-2024, 03:45 AM.
Originally posted by them_apples View Post
how do you even understand him is the question
Then go to the next page 17 and see i posted way more advanced fighters no names and even amateurs way more advanced then those guy's,exsposed every last one of you crazy pretend to be blind or are actually cult membersLast edited by Ascended; 04-20-2024, 02:11 AM.
Originally posted by billeau2 View Post
When you use film you should cite exactly what you're talking about. Just posting a video and saying blah blah blah it means nothing.
You crazy idiots cult members give away you're obviously hurt by me saying what i say,I can't alter video I only described what's on video im sorry that hurts you crazy idiots
Originally posted by Ascended View Post
why does jab not say odd stuff to him what's the difference from what I say?,oh cause I say old era are novices/trash compared not nice enough for you sensitive cult crazy members?