Originally posted by QueensburyRules
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I just looked it up, although I already knew the details.. He was a ********** for 12 years, and Independent for 2, a ******** for 8 and a ********** for the last 11 years. that is 23 years as ********** and 8 years ar a ********. That connection with the Island *****philes is bunk, although he may well have "knew him well". We have no concept of the boundaries of those in the upper spheres of business magnates, and billionaire-hood. Like the vast majority of men, his healthy interest is in WOMEN. He had delivered far more election promises than the past 6 Presidents put together. He had donated to both parties, to candidates with whom he was friendly, not because of their politics..
I don't say this as a ***** supporter but a fact giver. If you are interested and want to open a separate email address I can send you a deep, peer reviewed essay showing the Campaign Promises fulfilled -and many more not even thought of at the time. The Johnson pardon isn't even a blip. I read it just yesterday. I get much of my info from documented sources,. .
I am a born Irishman and am living for many year sin Canada, never in the US for more than passing through at airports. I have NO axe to grind.
We may think differently- which I have just now discovered- but we are on good terms nevertheless.