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The AlexKid 'questions about punchers, chins, hiprotation etc.' superduper thread.

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    Was the punch earnie koed larry with a cross or a hook?

    i think it was a cross **with a slip)


      Overhand right.


        Originally posted by Pugilist_Spec View Post
        Overhand right.
        well it was obviously an overhand but you get overhand cross and overhand hook


          Shavers never KO'd Holmes. He did score a knock down on an overhead right cross. Holmes remarkably recovered and eventually won.


            Originally posted by AlexKid View Post
            well it was obviously an overhand but you get overhand cross and overhand hook
            A cross is a counter straight right hand that goes over the opponents jab, right hook / overhand right are usually recognized as the same punch, arcing rights hands that come over the top which is what he used.
            Last edited by NChristo; 03-18-2016, 07:05 PM.


              It wasn't as hard as the punch that Tyson landed on Holmes, that's all I know.


                Originally posted by SUBZER0ED View Post
                Shavers never KO'd Holmes. He did score a knock down on an overhead right cross. Holmes remarkably recovered and eventually won.

                thanks for pointing this out before debating with the op about the type of punch it is very important to make it clear Larry Holmes has never lost to Ernie Shavers


                  ............................"you get overhand cross and overhand hook"......

                  making up terminology again?
                  No such terms used in boxing. An overHAND is a punch thats thrown with an arch that moves high than downward!
                  A cross simply is thrown at the jaw and has an angle that starts at the opponents left shoulder and continues through to his right shoulder therefore "crossing his upper body" (shoulders).

                  "OverHEAD" punch? .........really that's a new one!



                    Originally posted by Beyonce Bomber View Post
                    It wasn't as hard as the punch that Tyson landed on Holmes, that's all I know.
                    How do you know?


                      Originally posted by Ray Corso View Post
                      ............................"you get overhand cross and overhand hook"......

                      making up terminology again?
                      No such terms used in boxing. An overHAND is a punch thats thrown with an arch that moves high than downward!
                      A cross simply is thrown at the jaw and has an angle that starts at the opponents left shoulder and continues through to his right shoulder therefore "crossing his upper body" (shoulders).

                      "OverHEAD" punch? .........really that's a new one!

                      This, people don't know the difference between a cross, straight or overhand and just tend to call them all the same without knowing the difference, which is alright to be fair the fan doesn't need to know the specifics of each punch and everyone will just acknowledge the punch in question but when someone pretends too know what they're talking about and begin making up terminology for punches pretending too be smart / above over peoples knowledge, it just gets kinda irritating and misleading.

