Tysons uppercut where he was trying to push fergusons nose up in to the brain . Ferguson went down like he had being shot and his nose was smashed and pouring blood like a fawcet. How he got up i will never know but ferguson was finihed after that and all he could do was hold on to tyson until he was disqualified .
Shavers was probably a harder puncher in the rawest sense of the word "power". Tyson's right hand was actually his best, most commonly the cause of his one-punch KO's, he just didn't land it flush very often. Tyson's speed and combinations made him one of the most devastating fighters in history.
It's interesting you make that observation on Tyson's right hand. Most things you hear it's always his left hook that gets the air time. I think you're right though. Interestingly enough he DID land that right flush against Razor Ruddock without Razor going down. Just goes to show how unpredictable boxing can be!
I think the hardest punch ever was when Joe Frazier knocked down Ali in their first fight. George Foreman or Earnie Shavers couldn't knock him down and they are considered two of the hardest hitting heavyweights ever.Ken Norton broke Ali's jaw and he still finished the fight. Ali is regarded as having the best chin of any heavyweight so Frazier must have hit him pretty hard to knock him down.
Henry Cooper hit him much harder, he was saved by the bell and an extended mid round period after his glove was mysteriously torn?
Now it is a known fact that Muhammad Ali repeatedly says that the left hand of Cooper was the hardest punch that put him down! And from watching that clip it is the worst trouble Ali was ever in in the boxing ring!
He still says that Shavers was the hardest puncher he ever faced, without hesitation.
Now it is a known fact that Muhammad Ali repeatedly says that the left hand of Cooper was the hardest punch that put him down! And from watching that clip it is the worst trouble Ali was ever in in the boxing ring!
He still says that Shavers was the hardest puncher he ever faced, without hesitation.
Our E'nry could really dig mind, Ali did go on to destroy though!