Ali was simply caught off guard and off balance. It was nothing fancy and not even a brutal knockdown for that matter. Ali wasn't damaged from that blow and Frazier couldn't even finish the job. Not only did Frazier get lucky with that shot but the next to fights proved how much Ali was better than Frazier and how much that punch was lucky!
Foreman - Frazier.
Tyson - Spinks.
I think Tyson's upper against Buster was amazingly strong (especially for that late in the fight, but it shows you how much Buster wanted to win that fight by getting up).
It was powerful, Douglas said he didn't even want to get up from that punch it hurt that bad, but it was his mother and her telling him to knock Tyson out that got him up.
when David Tua hit John Ruiz and put him to sleep in like what..19 seconds? you could hear the solid thuds as Ruiz slumped to the canvas
Tua's making a comeback, 3 wins this year, he's only 34, never been stopped, and only 3 losses to Ike, Byrd, and Lewis. Might still have something left in the tank.
Ernie Shavers dumps Jimmy Ellis in the first round with a single punch (an uppercut.)
It may not be the biggest Heavyweight KO of all time, but it's something to watch.
Nice one. Funny how Ellis beat Jerry Quarry, Quarry KO's Shavers in the 1st round, but then Shavers KO's Ellis in the 1st round. Just goes to show, just because you can beat someone, doesn't mean you can beat everyone they've ever beat. Also Frasier beats Ali, Foreman destroys Frasier, then Ali comes back and KO's Foreman.
It was powerful, Douglas said he didn't even want to get up from that punch it hurt that bad, but it was his mother and her telling him to knock Tyson out that got him up.
where are you getting this crap from?. douglas said that the uppercut that knocked him was a glancing blow.