not really, he has great production and that's it. he's an average talent at best. I'd love to see the type of **** AZ could put out with Dre giving him hot beats whenever he wants.
i think he is ok one a documentuary i watched about him he was on about being shot he sed " ppl think the first thing you do wen your being shot at is reach for your gun , they rong its to move the f**k out of the way " lol i thought tht bit was kinda funny
a lot of peopel that watch channel u (uk underground hiphop channel) are chavs (council house and violent) who idolise 50 cent
not uncommon is it for me to see arguments of is 50 cent or tupac the GOAT
i nearly waste money to text in that its neither
i noticed places are being over run by chavs and neds , there was two who came to our gym and strained in white tracksuits with their burberry caps on they thought they were cool untill the profesional boxers came they got the piss ripped out of them
i noticed places are being over run by chavs and neds , there was two who came to our gym and strained in white tracksuits with their burberry caps on they thought they were cool untill the profesional boxers came they got the piss ripped out of them
haha from my experience i dont think theyll come back. chavs (are neds the same thing???)tend to talk big a lot but never have any heart. especially as in boxing you're not surrounded by people who can back you up
haha from my experience i dont think theyll come back. chavs (are neds the same thing???)tend to talk big a lot but never have any heart. especially as in boxing you're not surrounded by people who can back you up
yeah neds chavs same hing , Neds are from scotland , chavs englands , They dont go to boxing now beacuse they used to get a lift to boxing with me and my mate (nearest boxing gym is 18 miles from here) and we just stoped taking them